Edit: I filmed this little clip for TTv
Yep. It sucks. I’m bummed. So bummed that I don’t even want to dig up an image to accompany this post because that would require me looking through all the rad shit that went down at last year’s MidWest Mayhem. I’ll run down this morning’s events for you instead.
So I got to the airport at 5am this morning for my 6:35 flight to find it a total madhouse. Seems there were storms in Dallas that knocked everything out of whack, stranding passengers in the Dallas airport for a full day. My flight on American Airlines was delayed two hours and the rep told me that I could get a flight to Dallas but there was no way they could confirm that I would be able to get to Milwaukee, especially with a checked box.
What it came down to was them saying that the best they could do was refund my money and they would help facilitate booking a flight out Friday or Saturday on another airline, with tickets from $500 and up. I’m looking into it right now but it doesn’t look good.
That being said, it pains me to say that it’s not looking like I’ll be able to make it. Which totally sucks! Not only was I going to see all my friends and document the event but to me, MidWest Mayhem was the pivotal event in FGFS. It took the sport to a new high and really instilled a sense of community in the scene. Not being able to document this is tearing me apart inside.
Hopefully I can figure this out today. In the meantime, check out TTv for live coverage from most of the FGFS world.