4416 Riding in London


4416 Riding in London

4416_Riding In London from 44/16 on Vimeo.

4416 put together a quick edit of Tony, Tom, Chris Delia and the 14 Bike Co. / Fixed Gear London crew riding in a friend’s warehouse. Chris’ rock walk over the box, Tom’s hop bars off the box and pedal grinds to 180’s are nice. Last trick’s a banger! Good little edit and even better rainy day spot! Wish we had something like that in BK!

One more thing, check out photos of Chris’ Identiti Persona here, at his blog. Or if you’re lazy, check one out below.

His Identiti Persona is painted creamsicle orange with a white fork and purple accents. Dig the lights too.

Identiti Persona
Identiti FFX Forks