Pony Up Bitches!


Pony Up Bitches!


Support grassroots companies both new and old in the Boston area. The good fellas at Open Bicycle have the following information on Jacob’s second installment.

Saturday’s race is being thrown by Jacob of Jacobs Bicycles, with sponsorship coming from Outlier, Trash Bags, the BBMA, and us here at Open Bicycle. Because the beer/burrito/dj combo platter was a hit at our Poker Run, PBR, Chipotle and Brek.One will be served up again! Race details are below the flyer:

Saturday January 10, 2009
Location: TBA – Registration, Betting & Party will all be at the same location.
Registration & Betting: 3pm-7pm (Entry: $10, Bets: increments of $5)
Race Time: 7:30pm
After Party: 7pm – 2am
Email them with any questions