

A Simple Solution for a Simple Problem: A Shovel Research Rod Steward Review


A Simple Solution for a Simple Problem: A Shovel Research Rod Steward Review

Does it get much better than small makers addressing niche demands within a niche sector of the bike industry? I don’t think so. One of my favorite parts about running this website is showcasing and highlighting cottage industry bike businesses. Shovel Research is a small machine and fabrication shop that makes well-designed products that address a niche demand. One of which is its Rod Steward, a bag support designed for the Fab’s Chest by Ron’s Bikes, but as I found out on my Rivendell Bombadil, it works well with a Rivendell Sackville BagBoy bag.

Let’s check out a quick review below…

I Don’t Want Anything That’s Fast: The Bikes of Spencer Connell


I Don’t Want Anything That’s Fast: The Bikes of Spencer Connell

Spencer and I have been riding bikes together for 15 years. Since then, Spencer developed a career building and repairing guitars in Nashville, Tennessee. Back when we were younger, we spent a lot of time hanging around our local bike shop,  Halcyon, and working on our bikes on their community stands. His bikes are deeply practical, very unique, and kind of clapped out. I’m not here to tell anyone what to do, but I wish more people built and rode bikes like Spencer. Recently I went to Nashville, and I took some time to document his bikes and ask him a few questions about his builds. Below, let’s check out what he had to say…

Origins and Activations: How Ronnie Romance Found Inspiration at Blue Lug Bike Shops


Origins and Activations: How Ronnie Romance Found Inspiration at Blue Lug Bike Shops

This is a long story. It is a story of Blue Lug‘s influence on me, an interview with the co-founder, and hopefully it will lend some inspiration to American bike shops.

The photos you are seeing are of Blue Lug employee bikes that I shot one after another as we visited each location. We thought it would be cool to document the personal bikes of the build artists whose handiwork you see each day on the Blue Lug Instagram softcore porn for bike nerds.

We will begin with the story of my 650b leather and canvas activation as a lead in…

Archive Re-Up: Gideon’s Rivendell Rambouillet S&S Road Bike


Archive Re-Up: Gideon’s Rivendell Rambouillet S&S Road Bike

When we lost our 2015 image bucket back in 2018, it was a huge bummer, but over the past few months, I’ve been digging out hard drives and re-editing some photos, in the hopes of filling in the bigger holes. With this real winter we’ve been having, I’ve had a bit more free time to take a deep dive into the archives, and today, I’m sharing one of my favorite Rivendell builds I shot while living in Austin: Gideon’s Rivendell Rambouillet Road Bike

Check it out in all its S&S coupled, lugged glory: Gideon’s Rivendell Rambouillet Road Bike

I should also note that my intent here is only to upload lost photos, keeping the text and formatting intact.

Archive Re-Up: Allan’s Rivendell Hunqapillar Dirt Tourer


Archive Re-Up: Allan’s Rivendell Hunqapillar Dirt Tourer

When we lost our 2015 image bucket back in 2018, it was a huge bummer, but over the past few months, I’ve been digging out hard drives and re-editing some photos, in the hopes of filling in the bigger holes. With this real winter we’ve been having, I’ve had a bit more free time to take a deep dive into the archives, and today, I’m sharing the Rivendell that set the hook for me: Allan’s Rivendell Hunqapillar Dirt Tourer.

Check out the most recent Archive Re-Up: Allan’s Rivendell Hunqapillar Dirt Tourer

I should also note that my intent here is only to upload lost photos, keeping the text and formatting intact.

One Merry Fellow: John’s Balloon Tire Rivendell Bombadil 29er


One Merry Fellow: John’s Balloon Tire Rivendell Bombadil 29er

It’s no secret Rivendell Bicycle Works pulls inspiration from Tolkien’s Middle Earth. Grant Petersen is a big Tolkien fan and, over the years, many of the brand’s bicycles have adorned names from Tolkien’s writings. When it comes to beings of power and mystique, there are none more significant than Tom Bombadil. Older than Middle Earth and more powerful than any, Bombadil was omitted from the Jackson-envisioned big-screen movies for several reasons, but that didn’t keep Grant from naming Rivendell’s first mountain bike after the most powerful being in Middle Earth.

A Bombadil is a rare bird. Perhaps as rare as the fabled Legolas, Riv’s ‘cross bike, so I never expected I’d find one in my size, a 60cm. Then, one morning, an eBay alert popped into my email; there it was; a sunny Bombadil just begging to be purchased…