

Deux North: Hunt 3 Trailer


Deux North: Hunt 3 Trailer

It’s been over a year since Deux North took us on a journey. Here’s their latest:

“Deux North, a cycling brand started by brothers James and Dylan Nord, is out to tell a different kind of story. Using primarily short documentary films these stories aren’t just about racing or riding your bike; they are about the passion behind the obsession, the freedom felt while riding, and the things we learn about ourselves and others in the saddle. It’s the kind of story you have to go out and create, or in their words, hunt.

This is the trailer for Hunt 3, a third in a series of ten trips around the world that involve beautiful roads, fast bikes, surprising people, and a natural setting that’s quite different from the brand’s home in New York City. This particular trip took a group of 5 riders, or hunters, to upstate New York. Setting up camp outside of the small town of Boonville, they split time documenting the local lumberjack competition and hundreds of miles of gorgeous riding.”

I gotta say, I’m pretty stoked on seeing more from Boonville!

I Thought This Was Nice


I Thought This Was Nice

I’ve been spending time with Lauren, walking around Melbourne these past two days and on our way to dinner last night, I saw these logos on an old storefront glass. They were hand-drawn on the backside as well. I’m guessing it was an old bike shop?

Until I start photographing bikes and shops, I’ll be uploading the non-cycling side of this trip to my Flickr, so follow along there!




So there we were, planning our drive to Las Vegas for Interbike when Andy throws out the idea “mates, let’s go to the Grand Canyon”, like it’s on the way or something. Personally, I’d rather spend a day or two riding in LA than on the road, so I schemed with Kyle on how to convince the Aussie that there are perfectly fine parks not as far out of the way.

Solution: Zion National Park. We’d drive straight through Vegas and head two hours east. Get there in time to swim and then go on a hike before camping that night. Simple enough. So we drove and landed in Zion with two hours of sunlight remaining. Our agenda: Angel’s Landing.

I had one roll of film left.

See more in the Gallery!

Tools of the trade:
Leica M7 / Zeiss 28mm / Fuji Pro400H

The End of Summer Bummers


The End of Summer Bummers

It’s the end of Summer. That means my busiest time of year is finally over. After finally combing through all my random film scans, I’ve pulled together a big photoset filled with shots from all over the globe. From Zurich to Columbus, there are some gems in this one. See for yourself in the Gallery!

Tools of the trade:
Yashica T4 / Leica M7 28mm / Neopan 400

Trackosaurus Rex: Ride Hard Relax Harder


Trackosaurus Rex: Ride Hard Relax Harder

Photos by Kyle Kelley

Los Angeles is my favorite place to work. It has the best rides in the country (ATMO – that’s for you, Pablo), some of the nicest bikes and you can drive just hours away to be in the middle of some of the most beautiful landscapes the western United States has to offer. In the two weeks I was visiting the NRGSC, we rode hard, partied harder and yes, I even worked my ass off to bring new content to the site.

Sure, we’d all rather ride than work but sometimes, there is a bit of overlap. Moments like this are just too good to not share. Evidence of a big rides and the moment where you hit the coldest water you’ve felt in months. I can’t wait to see more of everyone’s photos from the past two weeks!

2013 Interbike: Gallery 02


2013 Interbike: Gallery 02

Each year, I’m already over Vegas come Thursday and it has little to do with the tradeshow and a lot to do with the fact that it’s the end of the ‘travel season’ for me. That and the excessive bourbon drinking. Hey, things get a little out of hand. This year however, I got to solidify a lot of relationships through tradeshow pain. It’s kind of like surviving a near-death experience with someone, ya know?

Anyway, Interbike is hell but there are a lot of rad components, companies and people in hell, so it’s a pretty good time. What was my pick on the second day? The Feedback Sports Velo Hinge. I’m already planning on installing 8 in my office. That and this rad flask from King Cage!

2013 Interbike: Gallery 01


2013 Interbike: Gallery 01

After spending a week at Eurobike, I was already over tradeshows. For me, Interbike is less about seeing new products and more about meeting people and hanging out but that doesn’t mean I don’t enjoy shooting products. My favorite product from the first day was the Paul Component quick release skewers…

See more in the Gallery!

For the First Time


For the First Time

… the three of us are together in Los Angeles. Fyxo, Tracko and myself. Expect some radness to pick up momentum here shortly, for now, we’re probably out riding. Follow the guys on Instagram (linked).

Eurobike 2013: Architectural Booth Details


Eurobike 2013: Architectural Booth Details

Architecture is in my blood. It’s in my eye, in my shutter finger and for the most part, mandates how I look at the world, including cycling. Life happens in elevation (not the climbing kind) and part of the reason I enjoy traveling overseas so much is seeing how serious people take presentation… Most recently, the architectural detailing of the booths at Eurobike.

I couldn’t help it. A majority of the bikes were either “WTF” or “What. the. fuck.” – I found it all incredibly disconnected from the US market in a lot of ways, which isn’t necessarily bad – but it made me hard to relate to the European market. Seriously, who the fuck wants an e-MTB? And that’s just one of the many moments I had over the past week.

One of the saving graces I encountered, amongst the bad marketing, body painting, weight weenie talk and general disconnect from “the ride” was the abundance of architectural detailing in the booths. While the European industry may not relate to me so much through their cycling language, I admired the attention to detail for a very ephemeral event. Hell, I seriously think more thought went into the booths than into the bicycle design!

Check out a few shots I snapped while navigating through the madness in he Gallery!

The Ruckus Carbon Access Tool (C.A.T.)


The Ruckus Carbon Access Tool (C.A.T.)

I like small products like the new Ruckus Carbon Access Tool:

“The Ruckus Carbon Access Tool (C.A.T.) is a multi-tool like no other. It was developed to fit the majority of keys on the market today and allow for future modularity. Manufactured in the USA from lightweight carbon fiber, it offers a balance between sleek professionalism and everyday usage.

Quote from Shawn Small (Owner of Ruckus Composites)
“My girlfriend was out of town and I needed something to do with my hands”

C.A.T. (Carbon Access Tool) MSRP: $32.50″

Also, check out the new Ruckus web shop!

Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 02


Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 02

Ok, I’ll make this one real quick. It’s 9pm here at Eurobike and I’m surrounded by drunk idiots. It’s also taken me two hours to upload these photos and I’m going on three hours of sleep… It’s been fun but I am so over Eurobike!

Enjoy this photo gallery and I’m going to enjoy the company of friends. See you on the other side!

Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 01


Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 01

Guten tag! I have found the internet…

It’s Eurobike and I have no idea what to do here. Well, that’s not true, I have a few clever posts up my sleeve. After 12 hours of madness, I’ve made my way through most of the show, ran into some people, saw some cool shit, exhausted my shutter finger and the first flask filling #FFF. I managed to get some great shots, including the new White Industries anodized hubs, the return of turquoise Chris King, some rad Tune products, a sexy LOOK, Bear Grease, #Partybrand, body-painting, AWOL, beer, beer and beer.

While I’m working on more content, how about some randomness from the first day? I thought so…

Minneapolis Randomness 02


Minneapolis Randomness 02

I really, really had a blast in Minneapolis. As a by-product of running this site, I always have a camera on me. Unfortunately for some people, that means I am usually catching them doing something idiotic. Fortunately for you, it’s quite funny to see some of that behavior unfold.

What you’ll fine within this narrated Gallery is only part of some of the stories to be told here on the site at a later date. Most of these photos involve the following: bros, babes, Baroo, beaches, bikes, beer and bourbon. Simple enough right? Check out more in the Gallery!