Shop Visit Teaser: Geekhouse Bikes


Shop Visit Teaser: Geekhouse Bikes


So I’m in Boston (in case you missed the HORRIBLE Boston Red Socks flip) and despite my phone dying, the torrential downpours and the internet getting lost at Geekhouse, it’s been fun so far! I’ve got a ton of photos documenting the people, bikes and space at Geekhouse and rather than holding off, I figured I’d post up a few teasers of what goes on behind the scenes.

Check out the rest of the photos below.





Don’t worry, this is just the tip of the iceberg. I’ve got a ton of photos including some detail shots of the Geekhouse cross bike, Brad’s track and some photos documenting Sugar Coat’s powder process. Expect to see those next week. In the meanwhile, I’ll be hitting up various other shops and builders in the area. Holler if you see us riding!