Turning Tricks – Week 13 from KrEEEstowfUr on Vimeo.
Chris is back at it with lucky number 13 in the Turning Tricks series. Coincidentally, Week 13 fell on Halloween. The first line is nice. Hopping on and off flatbeds, especially when they’re parked on the side of the road is always fun. Watch as this week Chris gets some 3-taps at the Apollo banks and a slider cab. On question though, why’d it take you so many times to break the bottle!?
There’s some more good information, including Chris riding Trials, after the jump…
This dude’s progress is really impressive. He’s getting some ups too if you remember last week’s Peel Sessions post.
Chris used to ride Trials a few years ago. He sent me this video back in May and I’ve been waiting to post it. When he first came out to Peel, he was working on the basics on a Bianchi Pista. We gave him some tips and the next week, he had landed a few nose pivots and could wheelie. A few days later, he cracked his Pista and bought Andy’s old Bruiser. I want to skip ahead to Turning Tricks Week 30 and see where he is!
Videos are looking good Chris. I’ll see you Thursday.
Turning Tricks Week 12
Turning Tricks Week 11
Turning Tricks Week 10
Turning Tricks Week 9
Turning Tricks Week 8
Turning Tricks Week 6
Turning Tricks Week 4
Turning Tricks in Queens
Turning Tricks