


Reroutes: In Search of The Qhapaq Ñan

Translated from Quechua, the ‘Royal Road’ once united all Andean communities from Colombia to Chile in an intricate road system of more than 30,000 km that in 2014 became an UNESCO World Heritage site. Constructed by the Incas over several centuries and partly based on pre-Inca infrastructure, this extraordinary network through one of the world’s most extreme geographical terrains linked the snow-capped peaks of the Andes – at an altitude of more than 6,000 m – to the coast, running through hot rainforests, fertile valleys, and absolute deserts.

It reached its maximum expansion in the 15th century when it spread across the length and breadth of the Andes. Leonardo Brasil (@leobrasil.photo) and Adam Pawlikiewicz Mesa (@adamonthego) traversed by bike from La Paz, Bolivia to Cusco, Peru highlighting the rich history and diverse culture of this Andean region documenting through both photo and video. Our full film will be launched later this year showcasing this wild adventure full of mishaps, reroutes due to food shortages, days where water was inaccessible, alpaca killings, a visit to the highest mining settlement in the world, and much more.

On the Trail of Ancient Civilizations in the Peruvian Andes


On the Trail of Ancient Civilizations in the Peruvian Andes

As Ryan Wilson continues his bike tour south from Colombia to Chile, he runs into the beginning of Peru’s infamous storm season.  Follow along as Ryan has a few close calls in a region that was home to one of the earliest civilizations in the Peruvian Andes.

After tracing my old tracks across one of my favorite roads in the world at Portachuelo de Llanganuco, I found myself at a crossroads. I had to decide whether to climb and descend the iconic paved switchbacks over Punta Olimpica or set off down some unknown (to me) roads heading south. While the nostalgia kick I’d been on was nice, re-riding some old routes that kicked off my first big tour, new roads were calling my name.

From the quiet village of Chacas, I set out on a drizzly morning toward San Luis, with eyes on continuing up the mountain toward the pass at Abra Huachucocha. However, on the final kilometers into San Luis, I could hear the steady groans of thunder rumbling, with dark clouds flickering from horizontal lightning streaking across the sky in the direction of the pass.  I’ve seen this a few times before in the Andes and know by now that it tends to end poorly, so I called it an early day and hung out in a San Luis hospedaje (hotel) while the mountains got hammered by lightning strikes throughout the afternoon.

It was already October by this point, so the occasionally sketchy afternoon weather of shoulder season had fully set in. I can deal with some cold rain, which can be managed with proper clothing and by keeping a steady pace to keep the body temperature up, but getting caught out in lightning storms up in these mountains is where the fun stops for me. Peru’s ideal riding months are actually in their winter (mid-May to mid-September) where conditions can be very cold at night, but are typically sunny and mild for most of the day. Come October and beyond, the weather starts to shift, especially in this region where the mountains and the jungle to the east create the perfect conditions for stormy weather.

Ascending Abra Huachucocha

Leaving San Luis the next morning, a light rain had already started.  Again, not a great sign as things tend to escalate throughout the day, with morning being your best shot at good weather.  I didn’t have much interest in hanging out in San Luis another day, so I hit the road anyways, with the plan to either camp near the pass if the weather didn’t get worse, or just blast down the long descent on the other side of the mountain if it wasn’t looking too good.

The road was surprisingly quiet considering it connects two fairly active towns.  It was a classic Peruvian climb with a smooth gradient and hard-packed dirt. The mountains were acting shy behind a veil of clouds all day, but every now and then I’d still get a glimpse of some impressive rock formations.

Before I even reached the pass, the rumblings of thunder were growing around me while flashes of lightning danced near distant peaks in the direction I came from. I already knew my plans to camp up near the lakes were cooked, so I set my mind on crossing the pass and riding all the way to the town of Huari before I ever crested the 4,341m (14,242ft) summit.

As I started the descent and saw hints of sun hitting the valley far below, I knew I made the right call. Before long I was back in the warmth of the sun, passing through small roadside villages and roads with shepherds trying to corral their goats and sheep.

Passing time in Huari

Huari was a lively place with quite a view. As is standard in these small Peruvian towns, people set off loud firecrackers and all sorts of noise makers at all hours of the day and night. These were made particularly loud in Huari due to the shape of the valley and the surrounding mountains amplifying every bang. I asked a local on the street if there was a holiday or something they were celebrating that would cause them to light off so many fireworks. “No, not really. They are celebrating boredom,” he said with a chuckle.

More to Peru than Machu Picchu

An easy day’s ride led me to the town of Chavín de Huantar. There are many important historical locations across the Peruvian Andes outside of Machu Picchu, which gets by far the most attention. Yet Chavín de Huantar is one of the most important in all of South America as it was once the central hub of one of the first developed civilizations in the Andes, dating back as far as 1200 B.C.

Archaeologists believe it was once the hotspot for all manner of community activities such as ritualistic human sacrifice and the consumption of copious amounts of powerful psychedelics.  It’s also not a madhouse filled with thousands of tourists taking photos on their iPads like Machu Picchu is every day, so it’s worth a visit if you’re in the neighborhood.

Crossing the Cordillera

When I was in Huaraz, I picked up a route on quiet dirt roads to connect from Chavín to the southern end of the Cordillera Blanca from a local mountain biker who runs the hotel I was staying at (Benkawasi).  It was said to roughly follow a route that people have been taking for thousands of years to get back and forth from Chavín to the coast, so it seemed like a no-brainer to follow their steps, to imagine what it must have been like crossing these mountains thousands of years ago.

The climb started unusually steep for Peru but soon eased up and cut through an impressive canyon surrounded by rock walls.  Before long I started to reach higher elevations again and could look back to find a view of towering snow-covered peaks of the Cordillera Blanca in the distance, serving as a reminder that I’d have to cross them once again over the next couple of days.

I reached the highway and breezed down a long, fast descent before running into Diego from Brazil and his pup companion who were set to climb the same road I was. He was strapped to the gills with not just a dog in a basket but also a guitar! What a legend!

We rode together for an hour or so before stopping at a little restaurant on the side of the road for a late lunch of trucha (trout), and Diego decided to camp out in a small shed near the restaurant since I was continuing up the mountain for a particularly high wild camp at 4700m (15,400 ft) and he wasn’t sure that his sleeping kit would be warm enough up there.

I turned off the paved road and onto a dirt track that kept on climbing. Near the top of the ridge, a huge view opened up toward Yanashallash and Huallanca peaks with the road winding around below. There was a perfect little depression on the hillside so I made that my spot for one very chilly night.

Racing the Storm

In the morning the clouds were suspended in the air, draped across the surrounding landscape with only hints of sun shooting through. I had a long day in store, with plenty of ups and downs at very high altitudes, and the restless night in the thin air at 4700m wasn’t going to help me out a whole lot, so I had to get moving early.

The undulating stretch of trocha (what locals call dirt roads) that followed is one of my favorites in all of Peru as it really gives a real sense of scale to these mountains. On a clear day, you can see all the way down to the peaks of the Cordillera Huayhuash in the south.

Every curve in the road revealed another hanging glacier on one side and layers of endless mountains on the other. It’s the kind of place where I find those moments when nothing could wipe the smile from my face. When my body momentarily forgets that my energy is drained to zero and I can’t help but feel overwhelmed by gratitude that I get to exist in this moment and this place.

With most of the climbing of the day done, I descended from the pass under ominous skies. The clouds let out a barrage of hail, rain, and lightning just as I arrived in the town of Catac and I stood under the awning of a tienda (small shop) having miraculously kept myself almost entirely dry by a matter of seconds.

As the deluge slowed to a trickle after about 30 minutes, I made my way around town looking for a place to stay. One by one each hotel told me they were full, which seemed odd. Hotels are generally easy to track down in most Peruvian towns.  Eventually, I was told by one hotel owner that there was a construction project in the works nearby and every single hotel was booked with workers for months within a 30km radius. Ughh.

I got back on the bike as day to night and hit the main road. Camping options were non-existent to completely grim side-of-the-road situations that I really wasn’t interested in, so I made the call to just ride as fast as I could to Huaraz, 40 kilometers down the paved road, where I knew I could get a place for the night.

Adding to the grim situation, the drizzling rain turned back into a full downpour. Lightning was hammering the hillsides just across the valley from me, no more than one kilometer away. I stopped for a second at the side of the road, but there was nowhere to seek any kind of shelter so I just got back on the bike and kept pushing on. There was so much water on the road that each car going past kicked up a giant wave of road water straight onto me. Lovely. I couldn’t be more wet if I were at the bottom of the ocean.

An Escape to the Coast

I got to Huaraz dripping (and probably smelling) like a wet dog after what turned into an impromptu 100km day and took a well-earned rest day… errr, actually three. That last stormy evening turned out to be the final straw for me as I made the call to ride over the Cordillera Negra (Black Mountains) and descend to the perpetually dry coastal region for a much-needed change of scenery (and climate). The allotted days on my Peruvian visa were running out anyways, so I’d have to quickly head south toward my next destination on my route toward Chile… the Bolivian altiplano.


Hunting Double Track in Peru’s Sunchubamba Reserve: The Road to Nowhere


Hunting Double Track in Peru’s Sunchubamba Reserve: The Road to Nowhere

With a seemingly endless array of dirt roads scattered throughout the Peruvian Andes, it’s easy to see why it has become a favorite destination for bike travelers like Ryan Wilson.  During his latest trip to the country, Ryan looks to connect the northern city of Cajamarca to the Ancash region along some rarely traveled dirt tracks through the Sunchubamba Game Reserve.  With little information about this zone to be found online, read on to find out how it went. 

El Camino de Cotahuasi: Riding the Deepest Canyon in the Americas


El Camino de Cotahuasi: Riding the Deepest Canyon in the Americas

Rocks slid from above, along a loose slope, showering the dirt road in front of me with a fresh layer. While treacherous in the rain, the locals warned that even an early afternoon breeze was enough to turn this road into a nightmare of falling debris. “Keep your ears and eyes open at all times,” a man in the nearby town of Huambo said as he made a motion imitating someone frantically pedaling a bike as fast as they could spin their legs.

Cactus y Cañones: A Return to the Peruvian Andes


Cactus y Cañones: A Return to the Peruvian Andes

After some indecision over where I’d go following my tour through Southern Turkey, I landed back on familiar territory. I’d originally planned to head for Ecuador or the Western Wildlands route in the US, but once my plans got pushed later into the year, I decided that a trip back to Southern Peru would be more enjoyable than trudging through Ecuador’s rainy season or dealing with the seemingly constant fires in the western US. Plus I’d get a chance to see if the months of Duolingo to shake off my rusty Spanish would pay off in any meaningful way.

Get Lost in the Vastness: Chasing Jonas Deichmann on the Bikingman Peru Inca Divide


Get Lost in the Vastness: Chasing Jonas Deichmann on the Bikingman Peru Inca Divide

Take the Andes, a mountain range that stretches for an impossibly long 7,200km down the West Coast of South America. Chuck in 32,000m of climbing, crazy gravel sections, remote towns and villages, altitudes of nearly 5000m, huge canyons, glaciers and some of the best views on the planet, and you have a heady cocktail of elements that make up the craziest ultra-cycling race in the world. BikingMan Peru – The Inca Divide.

Equipping an Amateur Bikepacker (and Professional Filmmaker) for the Peruvian Andes


Equipping an Amateur Bikepacker (and Professional Filmmaker) for the Peruvian Andes

Equipping an Amateur Bikepacker (and Professional Filmmaker) for the Peruvian Andes

Photos and words by Morgan Taylor

When most people think “I’d like to take on my first bikepacking trip,” they don’t think of going to the Peruvian Andes. Well, most people aren’t my friend Ben Johnson. Ben’s a filmmaker and a storyteller, and once an idea gets into his head, it’s hard to shake him of it.

Ben had long been following Ryan Wilson’s work here on the site, and lusted to pedal in the high mountains of Peru. With another film project taking Ben down to Lima, the flights were paid for, and the idea of this side trip and a passion project was sparked.

Lots of people ask Stephanie and me for advice about bike traveling and we’re happy to help. Ben came to us with an ambitious plan, a short timeline to get a bike built, and enthusiasm through the roof. He needed help.

I had recently transitioned away from full-time work to focus on creative projects: the right place and the right time to help Ben get set up for his adventure in the Andes. I’m happy to present the film here, and will get into the details of the bike build below.

Sand Traps and Mishaps in the Argentine Puna


Sand Traps and Mishaps in the Argentine Puna

Sand Traps and Mishaps in the Argentine Puna
Photos and words by Ryan Wilson

There are few things in this world that excite me more than a faint checkered line on a map, meandering through wide open spaces.  As I’ve come to find out over the previous month, Northern Argentina has quite the collection of them.  While my completionist tendencies want to pull me in all directions, down every last trail, there are really more than one could ever explore in just one trip.  Often these tracks are meticulously sculpted into a bone-shattering washboard.  If not, they’re plunging you through pits of ankle-deep sand.  Either way, they’re always filling your eyes with sights unlike any other in the world.


Mountain Biking in Peru

Here on the Radavist, we often see bikepacking coverage from Peru, but what’s it like to shred the trails without 30 lbs worth of camping shit strapped to your bike?

Do Not Miss the Jay Bird Films and Tumbleweed Bikes Project – El Silencio: Cycling the Peruvian Andres


Do Not Miss the Jay Bird Films and Tumbleweed Bikes Project – El Silencio: Cycling the Peruvian Andres

The poster for the tour, designed by @horizonlines is available at the screenings

Tonight’s premiere of El Silencio: Cycling the Peruvian Andes at Golden Saddle was excellent. The visuals, story, and cast of characters are as memorable as the scenery. Seeing these vignettes in video is an exceptional experience, especially after seeing so much of Ryan Wilson’s photography work from the area over the years.

Do not miss this film as it tours the West Coast of the US. Future screenings are on the way, along with an eventual web-release.

Here’s the press-release from Tumbleweed Bikes:

“Cycling the Peruvian Andes, a Jay Ritchey Film. El Silencio brings the viewer along through the highs and lows of four cyclists as they traverse the mountainous Peru Divide bikepacking route, and was filmed entirely by bike. Joining the tour are: Jay Ritchey, filmmaker; Daniel Molloy, owner of Tumbleweed Bicycle Company, and Pepper Cook, adventure cyclist. A Q&A session will be held following the film for those interested in learning more about bicycle travel, bicycle design, and more. We hope you will join us!”

Tour dates and tickets listed below:
● May 5, Ventura, CA: Ventura Bike Hub
● May 8, Oakland, CA: Luckyduck Bicycle Cafe
● May 9, Fairfax, CA: Marin Museum of Bicycling
● May 11, Portland, OR: Velo Cult
● May 15, Seattle, WA: Swift Industries @ The Rhino Room