

Bicycle Portage Handles: A Simple Design with a Big Story


Bicycle Portage Handles: A Simple Design with a Big Story

Today we featured Brian’s Rare Earth Cycles touring bike, which featured a portage handle. This detail has resulted in a good deal of internet chatter, lauding this simple design as a clever detail for touring bikes. Brian credits Meriwether Cycles’ work for inspiring him to include one on his bike, yet Meriwether was inspired by other framebuilders of the past like Sam Braxton.

While this simple bit of tubing looks pretty straightforward, there’s a big backstory behind its use. Roll on over to Meriwether Cycles‘ blog to read all about it and find an excerpt below…

The Tour Divide on Fabric Spokes: Brian and His Rare Earth Cycle Craft Touring Bike


The Tour Divide on Fabric Spokes: Brian and His Rare Earth Cycle Craft Touring Bike

For framebuilders, there’s no better test for their product than a long bike tour. When I last saw Brian, he had just completed the Baja Divide on a bike he built. At the time, he had just left the outdoor industry and hoped to transition into building frames full-time under the Rare Earth Cycle Craft banner.

His hardtail was one of my favorite bikes I documented this year until I saw his Tour Divide bike…