
Mission Workshop _ PiNP Bike Tour: Day 04

Late last night, James Adamson, the videographer on the trip realized that he needed a solid day of shooting for Mission Workshop. So rather than wake up early and dashing to the next city, we revisited an area we came across yesterday for a video and photo session. Shooting video in China is a lot easier than you’d expect, except when you run into local politics. James really wanted to shoot up on the hill range that we rode late yesterday afternoon, but they never allowed bikes up before. We just so happened to miss the security guards yesterday. Today, not so much.

Security, the park officials, the local police and town official weren’t having it. After some bribing and a few phone calls, we made it into the park, bikes and all. But not before shooting some around town. When we finally finished up, it was time to head to Jiaxing, a Tier 3 city in China. Instead of 200+ riders, we were greeted with about 10 and to be honest, that was about all we could manage tonight, for it’s been a long trip thus far…

Check out some narrated photos in the Gallery and keep an eye on Mission Workshop’s (@MissionWorkshop), Factory 5 (@Factory5) and my Instagram (@JohnProlly) during the day for updates.