[FRAME] Chapter Four: Portland Design Works


[FRAME] Chapter Four: Portland Design Works

[FRAME] Chapter Four from FLWRIDER tv on Vimeo.

I’m really digging these [FRAME] series that the Flwrder team are putting together. For Chapter Four, they interviewed Dan from Portland Design Works. I’ve spoken with these guys on numerous occasions and their personalities are reflected in their products. Truly great people!

Check out all the information below:

For our 4th chapter in our [FRAME] series, we managed to arrange to have a quick interview with Portland Design Works at Taipei’s International Bike Show in the bike mecha that is Taiwan.

Focusing on urban cycling, PDW produce some really well rounded parts, in aesthetics as well as design, and are for cyclists who want to maximise the use of their bikes for daily use, with accessories like bike racks, and fenders. But they are probably best known for the famous 3wencho compact spanner / tire lever / peanut butter knife, which takes a nod toward the well loved Campagnolo tools of old. Any companies that makes products to keep fellow cyclists pedaling, gets the thumbs up from us.

We caught up with Dan Powell and put some quick questions about what they have been busy with and what exciting ideas they have coming up.

1. Introduce yourselves, why you started PDW and what brings you here?
2. Do you have a special projects you might be working on that you can tell us about?
3. Is there a tool you wish someone would make? What would it be?
4. How many bikes do you guys own? Whats your favourite bike?
5. Any ideas on where cycling is going in the future?
6. How can we get more people on bikes?

Special Thanks to
Dan Powell

Release Date : 12 APRIL 2010

[FRAME] Chapter Four crew

[FRAME] Chapter Three
[FRAME] Chapter Two
[FRAME] Chapter One