
Torino to Nice! RALLY RALLY RALLY! The Important Thing is All that Sun

Unless you’re John and crew down in Southern California you might be feeling the detrimental effects of S.A.D. You’ve got the full-spectrum bulbs installed, you’re taking Vitamin D, and when the sun briefly pokes its head out from behind a grey wall of clouds you stare at it with the earnest intention of an indoctrinated Breatharian. Or maybe I am only speaking for those of us in the Pacific NW? But you know what, that’s where I live, and that’s the only experience that I know so let’s just allow a bit of regional solipsism shall we? Does that hodge podge of conflated ideas even make sense? Does it matter?

The point is that I think locally, maybe nationally, we’re all looking for some sunshine. Some happy moments. Some bliss. And if you are in the subset of athlete>cyclists>dirt-cyclists>distance-dirt-cyclist>distance-dirt-cyclist-adventurer then I believe you’ll enjoy this video. But it’s only my belief, which really just boils down to an opinion, so I accept that I could be wrong and I am ok with it.


The Caldwell Riot – Yep You Suck at Bikes

Ok, right, so before you get into this you should now that what you’re about to watch is the essence of the puerile, testosterone fueled, grossly immature, hell for leather, snotty nose, blokes just having lark part of contemporary mountain biking. This video does not pass the Bechdel Test.

It’s not trying to, what its doing is blistering your eyes with a rapid-fire onslaught of graphic pictorials, what it is doing is exposing the bleeding edge art of mountain bike shredding. My guess is that it’s probably illegal to watch this in some countries such is the explicitness of the corner slapping and a loam-drifting. So check your local by-laws, ping your constable, do your f*cking research and enjoy. Just remember there’s no un-seeing this, there’s no coming back.

If you dig this then give Tommy a follow on Instagram.


Project Y v1: Apply to be a Subject-Athlete

Project Y v1 is a serious study of why humans pursue activities that challenge and push our emotional, physical, psychological, and spiritual limitations. The end result of this project will be a full-length documentary in which we hope to give the viewer a better understanding of why we test these limitations.

We bring to bear upon this project serious science, focused research, vetted experts, and honest intention. If selected as a subject-athlete you will play an integral part in the research and production of this documentary. As such we are looking for subject-athletes who are committed to a project of this nature. The project will depend on your integrity and commitment.

Above all, it is integrity and commitment we are looking for. We will be looking for subject-athletes who are able to express a true interest and honest intention in being involved in this project, because that’s what Yonder is committing to you.

 The video application deadline is February 1st, 2017.

Visit Yonder Journal for specific details.


DUST LUST!? You’re Not Alone

Have you ever thought about riding your bicycle through the vintage backroads of Slovenia and Northern Italy? Of course. But it hasn’t happened yet, right? I’m not going to pry, we all have our reasons. However, I wanted to let you know that the folks at Dust Lust are trying to make it easier to turn those thoughts into action.

They put this video together to show you just how much fun you’ve been missing and to get you hyped on their events for 2017, of which we are told there will be three. While some of the dates are still unknown–how thrilling how exciting–we’ve been assured that the last Saturday in October will be a major dust up! If you’re keen then keep checking their site.

Feast your eyes upon the Dead Reckoning Year(s) Book


Feast your eyes upon the Dead Reckoning Year(s) Book

For the past two years, Yonder Journal has traveled the globe to investigate and report on bikepacking / ultra-lightweight bicycle touring. They called this project Dead Reckoning. The team at Yonder Journal felt that a project of this magnitude demanded a life outside of the internet, something you could hold in your hands, something with weight, a physical source of inspiration and contemplation, a book of pictures so exquisitely crafted that even a quick glance, a mere flip of the pages, would incite a riot of adventurous inspiration.

Introducing the Dead Reckoning Year(s) Book. A compendium of two years worth of dirt napping, bike pushing, and adventure voguing.

Stats? This is thing is 9″x12″, perfect bound, and 160 pages. It features nearly 200 color photographs and is printed in the USA.

The Year(s) Book is on pre-order sale through December 8th. Head over to their store for the full details.

Manual for Speed introduces Liquid Speed T


Manual for Speed introduces Liquid Speed T

Charles Williams11Made Up has done something special with Speed. He’s managed to evoke Speed at its most liquid and fluorescent. A version of Speed so fresh that the paint, if this was paint—if this was a painted UFO shaped like the word Speed flying through the air high above the major cities and culturally important sites of the world, higher than the Goodyear Blimp and all the other flying objects of man—would never have the chance to dry. This Speed UFO would let the world know that Speed is fluid, Speed is bright, Speed is exciting, that Speed is forever new! Until that UFO appears, we have an idea of it down here on Earth and we’ve captured it in a beautiful graphic. The point here is that Speed is so fast it will never dry, never be static, never settle.

Available now on Manual For Speed >> http://shop.manualforspeed.com/ <<

P.S. You might notice a few other new items up in the store. While you can buy them now MFS will making much ado about them throughout the week. ;)


Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah Yeah YESSSSSSS

Why’d you click that sleeping triangle?

You might’ve been drawn in by the cast of characters, a who’s who of MTB loosest DH riders – Ratboy, the Spirit of Enduro, Loose Dog Lewis – just to name a few. Or maybe you were drawn in by the promise of thick mudded berms being sliced and diced like a stoned Edward Scissorhands set upon a fresh batch of brownies. Or you’re the type who just clicks on everything with your own patented brand of devil-may-care/I’m-so-bored-at-my-job ennui. Whatever the case you’re here. And each of the above  are valid reasons, each one is more than enough to want you to poke that sleeping triangle.

Manual for Speed — Surprise ME! Kit — SURPRISE !!!!!!!!


Manual for Speed — Surprise ME! Kit — SURPRISE !!!!!!!!

In an effort to better understand the Greatest Spectacle on Earth we thought we’d start by gaining a better understanding of ourselves, Manual for Speed. Who we are and what we are trying to do. How we got here. What used to matter. What still matters. What matters now. What might matter tomorrow. Does anything really matter? If we’re journalists and documentarians documenting the Greatest Spectacle on Earth, are we part of that Spectacle? Are we a Spectacle?

This important idea about Road Cycling is one part introspection, one part retrospection, and all parts celebration of Manual for Speed. As such, we could think of no better artist than Yoko Honda to create what is effectively an homage to our most core-est of core ideas: Spectacle. This kit, which—unlike any other kit in the 2016 Manual for Speed kit season—will be sold sight-unseen, and is a joyous (breath-taking!) assemblage of Spectacle’s myriad colors, wonders, sights, sounds and smells. We wish you could see it, oh wait, you can! If you buy it!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

To spend your money, learn more, or just watch this totally excellent Surprise Me! gif in its natural environment go >>>>>HERE<<<<<


MFS Spring Classics: Cobble Gobblers Cobble Goblin’ Cobble Goblins

The 2016 Manual for Speed campaign begins with the Spring Classics. If there is a better way to start off the year, we can’t think of one. And if we can’t think of one, that means one doesn’t exist. But what makes the Spring Classics so classic? Hmmm, could it be that the races travel through ancient and medieval European towns teeming with drunk David Guetta zombies? Is is it the unpredictable and vengeful weather conditions that torment the riders with flashes of sun, wind, rain, snow, and hail? Perhaps it’s the format of the races themselves, one-day winner-take-all affairs where winning means putting everything you have have on the line? Yes, yes, yes—and more. These races are the equivalent of knife fighting over an open grave or biting off your own tongue out of spite. These are scratching, clawing, blood, sweat, and tears affairs. You fail, your bike fails, the weather fails and it’s over, it’s an entire year before you get another chance. All this means that these races present the opportunity for a truly transformative experience, a platform for the uncanny and the beautiful. A true spectacle, and we’re here for the spectacle man!!!

This year we’ll be hitting the Tour des Flandres (Ronde van Vlaanderen), Paris-Roubaix, Amstel Gold Race, Flèche Wallone, and Liège-Bastogne-Liège. That’s right, we’re covering all the big dogs, the Classic’s Classics, nah’mean? Of course we’re not just going to Europe to cover the races. We’re talking about Fan Clubs, MFS Cribz, Chillers, Barricade Butts, Barricade Pups, Casual Baguettes, and everything else you’ve come to expect from Manual for Speed and more, what exactly more is for the time being.

Want all the HOT HOT HOT MFS Cobble Action? Then take the leap.


On the Versatility of Cyclocross Bikes

Enduro monster and all around cycling demigod Yoann Barelli once again proves the extreme versatility of the venerable cyclocross bike. Now we all know that these rigs are great for hill repeats, amazing at shoulder carriers, and pretty good at riding on a grass. But did you also know that they can clear 15 foot doubles and easily set-up a Finnish Flick for a hot little corner while still delivering you to your all important coffee shop? Well they can, and for the hard proof you need check the video.


Dudes of Hazard: Stop Pokin the Monster

The Dudes of Hazard series is SO VERY GOOD.  The low-fi cinematography and cinéma vérité vibes do right by  the best sense of mountain biking. Hey, everyone is entitled to their thing, and this is by no means a denunciation, but their choice to eschew the much used trend to slow-mo/drone shot/jump cut the living daylights out 400 yards of trail, and just document their riding and character is engaging AF.  The Dudes do jokes, The Dudes go on adventures, The Dudes dirtbag it, and The Dudes can ride the stuffing out of their mountain bikes. Just look at Joe Barnes, he turns every corner into a horror film, slash slash slash. There is so much more to say on their brilliance, but thats for another time. For now look up and enjoy the show.




Have you ever felt like you’re not as Macho as you could be? Been awhile since you flexed your bicep and shredded your shirt sleeve? Feeling like you could get bigger, leaner, and tanner? Well if there is one person in the world that has never experienced this type of physical let down its Benedict “Poppi” @ultraromance Wheeler. But don’t fret, Poppi can you help you get the flex you have always wanted,  the flex he has always had.

In Club Macho episode 3. Benny’s Builder’s Bar Workout. Poppi gets down to business and gives you a manual for how to get cut. Head over to Yonder Journal and flex your eyes on the protein fueled routine that will put you behind the wheel of a convertible sports car in no time.

Note: Before you begin this program, bend your arm and attempt to bring your index finger to your shoulder. If you can achieve this feat of useless mobility, your bicep is under developed, atrophied, and is a macro indication that your entire body suffers similar clinical afflictions.


The Trans-Cascadia MTB Race in Oakridge

Are you getting psyched on all of the Trans-Provence footage but think that traveling to France c’est trop? Don’t fret, announcing Trans-Cascadia.

A multi-day enduro/camping/feasting event on the world renowned trails of Oakridge, Oregon this September 24-27th. With food provided by Chris King’s Gourmet Century Chef Chris DiMinno, trials provided by a perfect combination of geology, topography, and a sweat equity, an equal cash payout to men and women, the same timing system used in the Trans-Provence, and all the proceeds going to further developing the Oakridge trail system this race is the perfect way to cap your summer. Head to Trans Cascadia for more information.


Stumptown’s Aeropress Day Dreams

Stumptown has just launched their new site and it features all kinds of informative stuff. Like this video of Austin’s newest citizen Bo Thunell (@bojordan) breaking down the 1s, 2s, 3s, 4s, and et ceteras of Aero Press coffee. Now you would think that drinking coffee day in and day out would give Bo lazer beam focus? Well…. it doesn’t, and just like the rest of us, he day dreams from time to time. And in his case when he spaces out, he spaces out to an emerald green forest filled with loam and peppered with jumps. Not a bad way to space travel. When he is back on earth he makes a great cup of joe and in this video he can teach you to do the same.