

Riding Han Film: A GDMBR Journey of Healing


Riding Han Film: A GDMBR Journey of Healing

In 2021, Pak Eugene set out with his younger brother and childhood friend to ride the Great Divide Mountain Bike Route. Frustrated by a lack of storytelling and content he could resonate with, he decided to make his own film. Below, he shares the film Riding Han, along with a full image gallery and narrative about the trip…

Following Decade-old Tire Tracks: Kurt Refsnider Sets out on the Continental Divide Trail


Following Decade-old Tire Tracks: Kurt Refsnider Sets out on the Continental Divide Trail

As you read this, the last remaining dots on the 2023 Tour Divide are probably still trickling towards its southern terminus. Meanwhile, Kurt Refsnider is gearing up for a parallel but far more ambitious adventure of his own. An adventure that only three other humans have ever completed on bicycles. The Continental Divide Trail, like the Tour Divide route, runs from Canada to Mexico and tracks along the Continental Divide. But unlike the Tour Divide, the CDT is almost entirely singletrack.

This article will be the first of many that Kurt will be sharing about his ponderous trek. He starts by outlining the route, telling us where the idea came from, and detailing the years of planning that got him ready to take the plunge. Stay tuned. We definitely will.