Lael Rides Around the World… and Through Santa Fe! Tailwinds to Lael Wilcox


Lael Rides Around the World… and Through Santa Fe! Tailwinds to Lael Wilcox

We hope you’re following Lael Wilcox’s Guinness Around the World Record attempt via her podcast, “Lael Rides Around the World” and tracker. Today, Cari, Miguel, John, and a group of Santa Feans met up with Lael to welcome her to town as she embarks on the final leg of her ride. Read on for John’s quick update…

Throughout the summer, Cari and I have been glued to the Lael Rides Around the World podcast. When we were in Australia, Lael was making her way across the continent, and the whole time, we were hoping to cross paths with her back in Santa Fe.

After dot-watching for a few days, Miguel rode down south to help guide her into town since our bike path is under construction. Once we all connected, we pedaled in a group to Sincere Cycles to pick up Bailey before rolling through the Santa Fe Plaza.

It’s not often Lael stops in towns to rest up and talk to people, so everyone was elated to get a selfie or an autograph. We loaded up her bags with fresh food, handed her a Coke, and let her get on her way.

Always smiling, with spirits higher than ever, Lael rolled out of town with a group of riders. We wish Lael and Rue easy sailing to the end of their long journey in Chicago. If you’re on Lael’s route, she likes glass bottle Cokes and high fives!

Tailwinds, Lael!

Follow Lael and Rue on their podcast, Lael Rides Around the World, and on Instagram.