If you aren’t checking the Rad Bazaar–our private buy/sell/trade forum open for Group Ride members–every day, you might be missing out on some bizarre items. Our Acid Jackal went wild and picked out a selection of sweet bikes to share with you today, so check them out below!
wHaT’S BiZarRe iN tHe BaZAAAAAaaAAa4R ThIS WEeK!?!
If you aren’t checking the Rad Bazaar–our private buy/sell/trade forum open for Group Ride members–every day, you might be missing out on some bizarre items. Our Acid Jackal went wild and picked out a selection of goods to share with you today, so check them out below!
The Radavist’s Group Ride Subscription Plan and The RaD BaZAaR
With the recent announcement of the return of The Radavist to John and Cari, we debuted our Group Ride Subscription Plan. Readers of The Radavist can support our efforts, browse the largest collection of Beautiful Bicycles on the ‘net, and immerse themselves in our in-depth Reportage for $6.66 a month or $69.69 a year in a paywall-free environment.
Read on for the full breakdown.
The Radavist is Once Again an Independent Website
You may have noticed some changes on The Radavist over the past few weeks. Well, it’s because we’ve parted ways with TPC. Read on for TPC’s official press release announcement on the split and what this means for the future of The Radavist with a letter from John Watson below…