

Manual for Speed: Philly Part 01


Manual for Speed: Philly Part 01

“We’re gonna go race bikes for 120 miles and we’re gonna go up a wall and people are gonna yell. It’ll be good. There’s no point waxing poetics about it.”

Manual for Speed takes a look at Dan Chabanov’s first Philly Pro Race in a very informal piece, written by, you guessed it: Dan himself. I love MFS’ unique approach to cycling journalism, if for only pulling quotes like this:

“That’s kind of a stupidly large statement, but it’s true, and here I am. And I don’t care that it’s not the same promoter, and its a different Philly race and its a different course—that doesn’t fucking matter. It’s a pro bike race, it’s going up the Manayunk wall, it’s fucking Philly. For all intents and purposes, if it walks like Philly, if it smells like Philly, if it goes up the Wall, it’s Philly.”

Check out more Phillyness from the mouth of Dan at Manual for Speed.

All-City at the Seattle NACCC


All-City at the Seattle NACCC

Photos by Christopher Dilts

The All-City cycles team did a great job at the Seattle NACCCs. Racing for a #partybrand ain’t easy but this group of fine young men and women gave it their all. Christina Peck won the event, not just 1st place women but 1st place overall. Check out some more portraits at the All-City Blog.

Dave Trimble’s Neversink Road Race


Dave Trimble’s Neversink Road Race

As part of Trimble Racing, Dave has been throwing Neversink , a road race north of NYC in the backroads of upstate New York. The 73-mile coarse packed in over 5,000′ of elevation and with the finish nestled at the top of a grade that peaked over 12%. Three racers did not finish, but the remaining 32 men and women soon found themselves scarfing down hot BBQ.

Dave sent over a selection of photos from the event, which I’ve posted in the Gallery. Also check out finishing times and stats below.

Tallinn Bicycle Week 2013


Tallinn Bicycle Week 2013

Tallinn Bicycle Week took place in Estonia again this year. Here’s a recap:

“Tallinn Bicycle Week 2013 featured a bicycle themed lecture evening, Tour d’ÖÖ Tallinn nightride, big Goldsprints party, Velotiks Bike Day with all kinds of different activities/contests and a bicycle picnic to wrap it all up. Good times!

Tallinn Bicycle Week and Tour d’ÖÖ group rides are grassroot activities brought to life by a circle of bicycle aficionados in order to bring different bike lovers together, grow “the pack” of cyclists on the streets of Tallinn and celebrate the bicycle as one of the greatest thought and action inspiring mechanisms ever invented.

Photo galleries from all the TBW2013 events
