

So Close, Yet So Far Away: Bikefishing and Solitude in the Los Padres National Forest


So Close, Yet So Far Away: Bikefishing and Solitude in the Los Padres National Forest

Less than thirty miles from one of the most populous areas in North America, lies the remote eastern reaches of the Los Padres National Forest. With its seemingly endless layers of pinyon, ponderosa and fir-studded peaks that stand sentinel over a tangled labyrinth of deep, rugged valleys, it’s hard to believe that such a wild oasis exists merely a stone’s throw from the greater Los Angeles metropolitan area and its nineteen million residence. And, in unbelievably stark contrast to the concrete-laden hustle and bustle of neighboring LA, this portion of the Los Padres remains almost entirely devoid of human presence for much of the year. For the months that motorized access is prohibited, one must hike or pedal their way into these wild and untamed canyons. Getting back there can be a rigorous effort indeed, but more than worth it for the unhampered solitude one can find.

April is typically a shoulder season here; heavy snow years and lallygagging winters can render the month bitterly cold, the trails can remain unrideable, and the streams too cold and icy for any desirable form of fishing. This winter was different however…the snow never really fell, and unseasonably warm and dry weather persisted through the once-rainy winter season and on into spring. So here we were, the first weekend in April, baking under an angry sun as we loaded bikes and prepared to set off deep into the Los Padres in search of wild campsites and native fish.


A Super Fun Tenkara Bikefishing Video

Our friends at Tenkara Rod Co pulled together a video showcasing a recent bikefishing ride they did in the mountains, searching for native Bonneville Cutthroat Trout… If you haven’t tried bikefishing before, Tenkara is a great place to start! If you want to see some bikefishing rides, check out our Related column below…

A Pyroclastic Pedal: Bike Fishing the Valles Caldera National Preserve


A Pyroclastic Pedal: Bike Fishing the Valles Caldera National Preserve

About 1.25 million years ago, a volcanic event occurred just 40 miles northwest of what is now called Santa Fe, New Mexico. A large reservoir of magma was emptied as lava erupted from the earth’s crust, causing a massive depression. Upon this collapse, a 13-mile wide caldera in the middle of the Jemez Mountains was formed.

This area is the Valles Caldera National Preserve and is America’s newest National Preserve. The best part about the Valles Caldera is currently, due to the pandemic, it’s open to cycling and closed to automobiles and if bike fishing is your thing, it’s also free to fish, pending a New Mexico Fishing License and a free VCNP fishing permit.

We’ve got a great loop for you to check out that crosses this expansive caldera and brings you right up to some prime cut bank fishing. Check it out in this gallery from our ride in September.

Bikepacking New Mexico’s Ríos del Jemez


Bikepacking New Mexico’s Ríos del Jemez

The current worldwide situation has forced Kyle and I, along with everyone else, to rethink our spring activities. With mountain bike races cancelled and out-of-state trips a no-go, we were suddenly left with a lot of empty weekends and an excuse to explore more of New Mexico. We finally had the time and motivation to give this bikepacking thing a try, something that had been at the back of our minds for quite some time. Despite both of us having spent thousands of miles backpacking the Sierra Nevada, Cascade Mountains, and the canyons of Southeast Utah, we still were new to the world of bikepacking.

The Winners of the Radavist Leatherman Giveaway!


The Winners of the Radavist Leatherman Giveaway!

Giveaways and contests like this are like turning this plane – the website – into a mirror. It opens the viscera to expose how people ride and recreate. All with a simple click! It shows and shares their passions and their communities. That’s the easy part. The hard part is picking winners! After lots of back and forth with a few judges, the two posts that everyone agreed on were these two photos!

Kawika‘s caption didn’t hurt either! “Fuck these half ass tied, fake food flys… but hey, selfie time, get my good side!” ~ Mr. Peacock Bass

Jose‘s group shot on a bikepacking trip around Real de Catorce showcases his community and the caption is so good!

Thanks to everyone who submitted a photo and had fun with it! We had a blast reading through the comments in the original post and checking out the hashtags!

We’ll be sending off a Leatherman Free to each winner.


Why Not?

David shared his video from touring Adventure Cycling’s Idaho Hot Springs route:

“In August 2017, I decided to ride my bike on a portion of the Idaho Hot Springs Mountain Bike Route with my tent and my fly-fishing rod. 6 days on a solo trip with as best memory: the total solar eclipse. A unique experience in which doubts and fatigue mixed with happiness, joy, and pride of having done something I dreamed about.”


Living Off the Land While Bikepacking

This is a pretty rad concept, with a great video to accompany the story! Pro mountain biker Matt Hunter and friends, head to the remote Island of Haida Gwaii to complete a 130-mile bike trip with NO food. They’ll eat only what they can find, hunt and fish.


Urban Fly Fishing in Berlin

We’ve all seen photos of people fly fishing on bikepacking trips, in the middle of nowhere, but what about using a bike to transport you to the middle of somewhere to fish?

Mike ‘Kid’ Riemer’s Salsa Blackborow with Ode To Trout Cedaero Bags


Mike ‘Kid’ Riemer’s Salsa Blackborow with Ode To Trout Cedaero Bags

Mike ‘Kid’ Riemer’s Salsa Blackborow with Ode To Trout Cedaero Bags
Photos by John Watson, words by Mike ‘Kid’ Riemer

Editor’s note. I emailed Mike, requesting a few quotes about this bike, and received a novella, telling the tale of Mike’s interest in the outdoors. While I could pull quotes from it, I felt that as a whole, it tells more of the tale than I ever could…

I often tell my son, and my nephews, that there is nothing better than finding something in life that you are passionate about. 

I’ve been lucky in that regard, I guess.

I grew up in Korea, loving the outdoors and playing in the pine forest around our home and the neighboring hills, hiking the majestic Sorak mountains of the west coast, and living in the waters of the Yellow Sea for as much of my summer each year as possible. The outdoors became a passion for me, in many ways without me ever realizing it. It was inside me waiting for opportunities to come out. 


Blackburn: Bikefishing for Steelhead Teaser

This is the first video in Blackburn’s “Watercycle” project, focusing on how four cyclists interact with water. First up is Brian Ohlen, who took to the Pacific Coast route in search for Steelhead, but found himself engulfed by the elements. The full-length video is out September 12th.


Fishing the Oregon Troutback

One day, I’d love to convince my father to do this with me. Except he’d do the fishing and I’d just get drunk and sunbathe in the river. Great vibes in this one, Russ!