

Do the Cyclists in California a Favor


Do the Cyclists in California a Favor

Photo by Jesse Carmody

As much as I’ve been posting about various interviews with myself this week on the site, I can assure you that I want the content here on PiNP to support cyclists and companies. One of those ways we can all come together to help cyclists in California and beyond is by supporting the three foot law. That’s 36″, or approximately a meter. That’s space that can save lives. Think about it, the average opening to your home is 36″… it’s a meager request. If this passes in California, it’s a great benchmark for other states. I know Texas needs this too!

Please sign this petition!

Thanks Kyle!

I Hope Your Weekend Was Rad


I Hope Your Weekend Was Rad

Sorry for the lack of updates this weekend. Tracko’s been in town and all we’ve been doing is riding and partying. Hey, it was the weekend, right? He heads back to Cali tomorrow and regular posting will commence.

In the meanwhile, I hope you had a great weekend.

Recent Roll: The 128


Recent Roll: The 128

This is by no means a recent photograph. It’s from a ride I did in California with the Giro New Road team. Highway 128 snakes its way through the Navarro River Redwoods State Park and when the road aligns with the setting sun, you get these great slivers of light coming through the trees.

It’s been too long since I’ve been in California. After two months, I’m jonesin’.

Grain and Grade


Grain and Grade

On my recent trip to California, my mornings and afternoons were spent combing the roads for ideal backdrops. Here’s a few outtakes that are free to consume. Please, don’t fret, the weekend’s coming soon.

Wide Open California


Wide Open California

Over the past year, I’ve had the absolutely amazing experience of riding extensively in California but this last trip might have been my favorite. We rode on the 1, the 128 and in Geyserville. From the Redwoods, to the coast and dry, arid hills, the scenery kept me shooting my 35mm point and shoot, mid pedal stroke. Check it out below!

Day 03 of the Giro New Road Photo Shoot


Day 03 of the Giro New Road Photo Shoot

Let me just preface this post by saying I wish I could show you more photos from the Giro New Road photo shoot. Even getting clearance for posting up these took a little bit of eye-batting and begging. But man, am I ever glad I got to share them.

Day 03 began as Ty, Jordan and I took off for the hills adjacent to our ranch. Super steep gravel climbs and windy singletrack was no challenge for Ty and Jordan as the sunlight broke through the trees. They just flowed through the rocky gravel as videographers and photographers tried to capture the essence of New Road. Later on, the afternoon was spent out on HWY 1 at the mouth of the Navarro River. Climbing up and down the hills, before grabbing lunch, and finally dinner.

Some of the photos shown here give you an idea of what Giro is going for in the New Road. But keep in mind, the details that make this line different from any other will be under wraps for now. Till then, enjoy these photos and don’t miss Ty’s crossie wall ride sequence!

Day 02 of the Giro New Road Photo Shoot


Day 02 of the Giro New Road Photo Shoot

We started our day at a reasonable hour and after breakfast, the team got an intro to Giro‘s new cycling apparel line, the New Road. I can’t say a whole lot about it but what I will say is this is far from “commuter wear” and a completely different approach to your typical road wear.  The most appealing aspect of the line is that it’s all made in the USA.

Our day began leaving the ranch where we’re staying, down a gravel road and out, along the 128 to the 1. At mile 45, we stopped for lunch and to my surprise, had only climbed around 1,000’. Then, jokingly Mark said “oh, there’s a climb”, a Cat 2 trek awaited us off the 1 and it hurt but the 1,000′ descent in 3 miles was exhilarating. At mile 70, we tacked in around 5,000′. Once back at the ranch, we soaked in the waining sunlight, drank some beer and sat in the hot tub, ready to tackle another day on the bike…

Expect a little more riding photos tomorrow, as well as some more teaser shots of the New Road line.

Ramon Jacquez: Golden Tour


Ramon Jacquez: Golden Tour

Photos by Ramon Jacquez

This time, last year, I was anxiously awaiting my departure to Portland for my Summer tour and over the past few weeks, I’ve been itching to get back on the road. Maybe that’s why I’ve been scouring Flickr for interesting touring photos. Which led me to a reader’s trip from earlier this summer. Ramon Jacquez rode his LOW pursuit (low pro) on the “Golden Tour“. Backpack touring is about as minimal as you can get and his photos show this was no easy task.

I highly suggest you check out the set. It’s quite nice!

The Last Hour of Sunlight in Santa Cruz


The Last Hour of Sunlight in Santa Cruz

Brian Vernor has been asking me to come to Santa Cruz for over a year now, so when we rolled through his home town for the #ATOC, we hit him up. Initially we just wanted to grab a beer and a burger but then he muttered a word that piqued our interests: RIDE. How can you pass up a ride? Even with just an hour left of sunlight, Brian took Simon, Jeremy and me on a kick-ass ride in Santa Cruz. A lil bit of climbing, a lil bit of gravel and a lotta fun. Followed by a drink and a burger, naturally.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.

Party Time on Mt. Baldy


Party Time on Mt. Baldy

My absolute favorite day of the #ATOC was the Mt. Baldy stage. We woke up, rode to the first KOM and hung out all afternoon in the blazing sun. After shouting and being utter jackasses all day, we took off down the descent. What a day!

While I was shooting on the top of the Rapha Mobile Cycle Club, I passed my T4 off to Jeremy Dunn, who assisted in the KOM shots. Thanks to Jeremy for getting some of the action and thanks to everyone who made that day so rad.

Click on the above photo to launch the gallery, or here to open in a new tab.