Super 7: Bike Month T-Shirt Specials


Super 7: Bike Month T-Shirt Specials

As cyclists, many of us forget that May is bike month. How exactly is that different than any other month? It really isn’t, but that doesn’t mean you can’t pick up some of the Super 7 cycling shirts:

From the top left to bottom right:

Bike Collage – For the two wheeled enthusiast, we put together a collage of 18 different bicycles. No matter what you ride, show your love for pedal power!
Cali Chain – Ride hard, ride fast, ride California.
MPG – Bike Ride forever…
Giro di Paris – Paris Bicycle Tour!
Bike Mess – Three lane pile-up reaches critical mass!
Giro di San Francisco – San Francisco bicycle tour!”

Super 7