Out of Print Mag: Tom LaMarche Interview


Out of Print Mag: Tom LaMarche Interview

Photo by Jessop Kozink

There are moments in time when someone truly legitimizes the whole Fixed Freestyle movement. With 26″ fixed coming on strong, it’s easy to get swept up in the hype around switching to smaller wheels. Then you see someone like Tom do shit like this. A masssive hop on his 700c Fixed with 2″ 29’r tires. Look at how fucking tucked he is! That’s gotta be the highest hop on a fixed gear to date. He even hops a rail from flat! That angle doesn’t show the height as well as other pics I’ve seen but still. It’s over bar height on a BMX. Now see what I was talking about in Nasty’s post?

The real subject behind this entry is an interview Tom has up on Out of Print Mag. It’s really informative and worth the read so check it out! Also be sure to peep the gallery page. I’ll figure out what their doing with the other photos Tom sent me and maybe I’ll post them later. I’m telling you, that rail is high as fuck!