

With all this New Zealand fever happening on the site it is only fitting to feature Bernard Kerr absolutely devastating the trails around Queenstown. Bernard is quick enough to challenge for the podium at any World Cup race and he has the steeze to make this edit utterly enjoyable and with speed and grace that is obviously unattainable by us mortal men and women. While the riding is stunning, Bernard may want to check in with the Masters and Masters school of off-bike hijinks to tune up his delivery, its not that the lad doesn’t have it in him, its just the Wyn and Eddie might be able to help him punch up his gags a bit. No doubt though, Bernard has whimsy and good humor in his soul.

No Thanks, but Thanks – Kyle Von Hoetzendorff


No Thanks, but Thanks – Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

No Thanks, but Thanks
Photos and words by Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

I have made the decision to believe that that yes, global warming is happening. There is a ton of heavy shit that goes along with that, I know, I get it; superstorms, biblical droughts, floods, famine, plague, strife, real estate devaluations, shorter ski seasons, etc. A truckload, boatload, superfund, Yucca Mountain amount of issues right? Mega fusion/fission, black hole singularities, end-of-days issues.

But that’s all in the future right? I mean we’re good for a little while anyway. Us humans, as a social species, as a global community, we have never really been good at preventative care, especially if that means making things harder on ourselves. You could say that human evolution has really just been one long march towards the Lazy Boyz, on-demand, and a multi-stage high and low compression and rebound damping. By and large, we are a “wait and see” bunch…

#portlandhatesme – The City of Portland’s Fight Against Mountain Biking


#portlandhatesme – The City of Portland’s Fight Against Mountain Biking

Locally accessible mountain bike trails are a privilege. Fact. If you live in a place with quality riding right out your front door, then you have a good thing going. Now if you live in a city that has, for years, laid claim to the crown of the the nation’s best cycling city you would expect that with a number of hills and park lands within the city limits there would be a decent set of trails for the countless cyclists that call this city home. You’d expect, that to have the confidence, the audacity, the gall to wear such a crown, to print it on city walls and propagate the message in travel brochures and in-flight magazines you would have a infrastructure for all manner of cyclists. For the most part we do pretty damn well, heckfire we even have a special bike rack for our Zoo Bombers, but the one thing Portland doesn’t have is mountain bike trails, there are those who will try to convince you that Leif Erickson is a MTB track, it’s not, it’s hardly a dirt road. If you can push a stroller on it, its not a mountain bike trail.


The Just Desserts of Gluttony

Eddie Master is method actor, his art form, mountain biking. In this short but powerful documentary film, Eddie risks his title as “King of the Enduro” in order to prove a point to the world, that there is no shame in fat bikes, and in order to do so, he piles on weight like he’s auditioning for a cameo role in another Eddie M’s The Crumps series The man simply sacrifices everything for his art,  and takes the Morgan Spurlock approach to the proof is in the pudding by simply eating all of the pudding. If you are not sold on fat bikes now, you better start cutting out coupons, because after you watch this video you are going to be buying bulk and living large with a whole new take on meaning of “The fat of the land.”


It’s the Rider Not the Bike

Sam Pilgrim proves once again that it is the rider, not the bike, that matters. The gap toothed mad man from Essex doesn’t seem to be at all phased by dropbars and aero rims while putting his road bike to the test throughout Southern California.


Enduring the Spirit of Enduro

Thank god or science of whatever your belief system dictates for the Masters brothers.

Wyn and Ed can both easily shred anyone of us, and if we don’t wind up in the hospital trying to keep up, then they’re are sure to put us in stitches with quips and cut-ups. Thanks boys. Thanks.

Heres a question? Is it possible to have race/comedy night with the Masters brothers, the Dudes of Hazzard, and Team Robot. Or better yet can Funny or Die sponsor these guys for the year? I’m thinking Road Fools on the world cup circuit.

Its Christmas right? Well this is on the top of my list.

Thanks whoever.


The Dudes of Hazzard: FUNK BUTTONS

Joe and the gang tap the Funk Button three times in the latest Dudish installment. Now you might be thinking, “Hey these are so funny, and I like them, but I am not getting the full VTT treatment here, I want more shredding.” But look closely, what you find is that though these edits are not end to end wheel turners, the parts that do have riding are very choice. Joe Barnes can link turns like no other, those switchbacks? Jeeeeeeesh! Not mention the gratuitous use of the fisheye lens. Fantastic!

Sign me up for a trials motorbike while you are at it, so fun. Plus the helmets are super cool. Non-fullface D2 anyone?


Everywhere Around the World, Dudes Comin to America…and Canada

Kidding my maple brothers and sisters. Kidding. Equanimity, equality, etcetera.

In this episode, The Dudes make like Eddie Murphy and come to America. They make quick work of it. Then they go to Canada, it is here that the user experiences the highlight of the video, some whimsical found footage in which the myths about Canada are once again perpetuated.

While this segment is certainly the video’s strongest, one cannot discount how awesome each of these edits are as a whole. No tricky editing, boom setups, high quality equipment, or egregious use of slo-mo, just get to the point ham on rye production.

Mr. Barnes also bucks the current trend of including the guttural howl of discontent arena rock or the staccato machinations of dup-step by tastefully selecting a a wide range of pop culture hits to accompany the flat out speed blasting that is happening on trail.

These segments definitely feel like the work of someone raised on Fawlty Towers and the Sprung/Dirt vids and I love them for it.

Damn Damn Damn these are good.


Thank You Dudes of Hazzard, Thank You

Joe Barnes is doing it right. He could have looked back on his season and thought, “Hey, I finished on the podium at an Enduro World Series event and finished 9th overall in the series, I should get out a RED camera, select my favorite dub-step cuts, design some slick graphics, and make a facsimile of almost every other video out there at the moment to really push my brand.”

To the benefit of us all he didn’t, instead he continued to produce the Dudes of Hazzard, a mix of on bike schralping, off bike antics, and conceptual absurdity that takes itself just as seriously as anything based on professional recreation should. If this strikes your fancy don’t worry, there is a couple years worth of back catalogue to watch and the Dude’s don’t deviate.

FOMO and the Blast Zone – Kyle Von Hoetzendorff


FOMO and the Blast Zone – Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

FOMO and the Blast Zone
Photos by Ethan Furniss and words by Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

Ours is a world ripe with opportunity, one in which we have been blessed with the time and resources to pursue activities of leisure. I have spent a significant amount of time planning and accumulating a trove of memories that are anchored in recreational pursuits; time I mostly cherish, time like it or not I can never get back, because time is never in my corner. It races forward, thoughtlessly giving away it’s infinite increments, while I am left to selfishly consider how best to squander my finite tokens. We’re the singular results of our choices, moving from consequence to consequence with such persuasive and pervasive insistence as to appear pre-determined. Actionable or not, the appearance of choice haunts our rationale like a plague, at every turn a cross roads, at every stop a trailhead, skeins of choices beget skeins of choices towards a knotted and unpredictable future.


The Sound and the Schralping

We have seen Jared Graves on a bike before, we have seen Canada before, we have heard electro/dub/pop before, and not that any of those things are wrong. I am happy as a clam to watch Mr. Graves absolutely tear apart any trail, but what this video does differently  is the way it deals with its the sound design.

The muffled percussion and submerged staccato of Jared and his bike as he rips down the trail evoke the sensation of riding in a way that I haven’t heard expressed in other videos. Sound designer Keith White has accurately captured the sound of riding, the high tinny clanking goes away, much as it does when riding, as if those sharp sounds those peaks without substance just can’t reach our ears.

What Keith has expressed here is the onomatopoeia of riding, the thwacks, blahps, schralps, fufks, etc that flood our ears while we fly down a trail, the noises that wholly invade our audio system, a compliment to our senses, a full expression of action. Have a look, watch the fun, and pay attention to the sound of shredding.

We are Here to Win Fucking Races – Dylan VanWeelden and Kyle Von Hoetzendorff


We are Here to Win Fucking Races – Dylan VanWeelden and Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

We are Here to Win Fucking Races
Photos by Dylan VanWeelden, words by Kyle Von Hoetzendorff

Charlie and Alex arrive at a bar. They’re friends, they met through bike racing, they’re both good at it, they’re both tall. Charlie, usually big on words with questionable substance and unquestionable humor is noticeably quiet. Something is troubling him. Wit isn’t lacking in Alex however, he powers the conversation, something he has never had a problem with, throwing out easy jabs, blockable shots, lazy passes, hoping to get his friend into the game.

Alex knows they’re competitors, that, while he leaves himself open for body blows, Charlie, in his current state of discontent, is vulnerable and it would be easy to land a couple of devastating hits, but this isn’t where they compete, and that isn’t how you play the game. In their field time is the perpetrator, the villain.


Trans Provence: Stay on target

Day 4. In which our noble riders visit Roubion and the Maritime Alps which, roughly translated, means Sea of Mountians. In this segment the drone camera operator has really hit his stride with some fantastic long follow shots that really really really make me want to get over to France and ride.


Trans Provence: The Ride is Half Full

Riders have reached the midway point for this year’s Tran Provence and the stage 3 took them up a long hike-a-bike above treeline. My guess is that this was done not just for the benefit of the riders, because the images coming back from this days stage are stunning. Wind swept passes and people on their bikes hauling assses. Epic.