2morrows Victory: Greg B – PSA 1


2morrows Victory: Greg B – PSA 1

Chicago Greg used to work for Tokyo Fixed Gear and now he’s working on a hip-hop project. While I don’t generally like hip hop, I can appreciate it. Oh and there are track bikes in it! Check it out:

“2morrows Victory is a kaleidoscope of creative individuals from many different backgrounds come together as comrades on a mission to unite the masses with a one vision movement. The meaning of 2MV stems from the groups desire/drive to chase the victory of tomorrow rather than todays stuff, not focussing on current situations or surroundings but rather channelling their energies and skills towards the promotion of things to come.

Greg B is a London based rapper from Chicago working with South London based producer Alan Baltic who has put together an elite team of musicians who play, perform and have a huge passion for Hip hop. Greg is currently recording his project ‘The Promotion’ which will be out later this year and in a few weeks his debut single ‘Lost and Found’ featuring Annonymos will hit the iTunes store and all retail stores across the UK. “

Greg B track available for download on 2morrows Victory!