Website Improvement: Video Category Page


Website Improvement: Video Category Page

As the longest-running adventure, lifestyle, and alternative cycling website, we’ve been accumulating massive amounts of videos since migrating to WordPress in 2008. By our last tallying, that includes over 8000 videos, spanning across every path of cycling culture. To make things a little easier to navigate, we’re starting to roll out some simple tweaks and large restructuring improvements over the next few weeks. The first sampling is currently available; a new Video Category page.

You can access this by clicking the hamburger menu at the top right of the menu, or simply click the video category tag on any video. This is where we’ll pin our video projects to the top. More granular breakdown of the content itself is on the way, too…

And as always, if you like and subscribe to our YouTube channel, it’ll help us make more documentaries like From Biocrust, With Love.