

Manual for Speed: In Colombia Cycling is Life


Manual for Speed: In Colombia Cycling is Life

There’s a great piece on the younger Colombian cycling teams up on Manual for Speed that’s well worth the click-through. The Colombians take cycling very seriously and this first piece by MFS barely scratches the surface…

“Because in Colombia, we’re into pedaling / We’re so good, that even Colombian cycling fans and amateurs / Could easily compete with the world’s best cyclists”

—El Lider by Diomedes Diaz

Manual for Speed

Manual for Speed on CNN


Manual for Speed on CNN

CNN ran a piece online about Manual for Speed, the brainchild of Emiliano Granado and Daniel Wakefield Pasley. It’s not only great to see mainstream media covering cycling in a positive light, but this is great exposure for the dynamic duo of cycling photography. Check the piece out on CNN.

Emiliano Granado’s Cross Vegas


Emiliano Granado’s Cross Vegas

Every year, when autumn rolls around, cyclocross invades this blog. Road racing is done for the year, forcing the Manual for Speed crew out into muddy grass with their Mamiya 7’s loaded and jokes cracking. At least that’s how it went down at this year’s Cross Vegas. Emiliano Granado is quite the photographer but an even better heckler. Check out his mid-heckling photography in this clever Guest Gallery.