

Crust Bikes Scapebot Review: The Yes Man


Crust Bikes Scapebot Review: The Yes Man

The Crust Bikes “Scapebot” is the third iteration of the original Scapegoat. The frame fits a wide variety of tire sizes and has a unique geometry that is both modern and harks back to the golden age of ATBs. True to form, Spencer has been using this bike as his touring rig for years and decided to put the most outlandish tire clearance claims to the test. Check out his long-term review of the Crust Scapebot below…

Crust Bikes Larkin Cycles Titanium Juan Bar


Crust Bikes Larkin Cycles Titanium Juan Bar

Titanium handlebars and titanium seatposts are two great ways to soften the ride quality of your bike without going to suspension components. Crust Bikes pinged longtime buddy Darren Larkin to bend up some mighty fine titanium bars in the same spec as the Juan Bar. We recommend pairing 22.2⌀ clamp bars with a 22.2⌀ Paul Boxcar stem!


  • Made in Connecticut, USA
  • Color Raw Ti
  • Clamp Diameter 22.2⌀
  • Width 750 mm
  • Backsweep 45°
  • Outer Diameter- 22.2mm
  • Inner Diameter (At the Ends) 18.5mm
  • Grip Area Length (End to Bend) ~180mm
  • Weight 388g

Check out more at Crust Bikes.

Crust Bikes Shop Visit: The Cost of Living the F*cking Dream


Crust Bikes Shop Visit: The Cost of Living the F*cking Dream

Late this Spring, Nic Morales hit the road for an impromptu tour of the Southeast. Originally set on covering spring break in Nutmeg Country, uncertainties around weather-related cancellations diverted his path southward. Through that fortuitous turn of events came a shop visit with the fine folks at Crust Bikes HQ in Richmond, Virginia. Through his time with Garrett and Latané, he reflected on his own relationship with the outfit, what it means to be a bike brand, and much more.

Hailey’s Crust Bombora: A Work in Progress


Hailey’s Crust Bombora: A Work in Progress

Part shape-shifter, part time capsule, Hailey‘s Crust Bikes Bombora has taken many forms. It’s the bike that she got when she first started really getting into bikes, and bike touring, and since then it’s the one she’s altered the most, always finding a way to keep it relevant as her preferences and bike collection evolve. In this somewhat unconventional review, she veers into the sentimental as she highlights some of the setups her Bombora has seen over the past five years.