

Kinoko and Daily Goods Caps


Kinoko and Daily Goods Caps

These look good!

Daily Goods is our rather excellent in store coffee shop, the brain child of  Carter Donnell. We finally made a limited edition collaboration cap, so you can share the love and show your allegiances when it comes to your favourite spot to sup the finest coffee based beverages in all of London town and where to purchase superior cycling goods and apparel. You may also find that this fine piece of Italian made head wear will keep the sun out of your eyes and the rain from disturbing your finely coiffed locks.”

See more at Kinoko.

Trackosaurus Rex: Not So Winter Cap in Stock


Trackosaurus Rex: Not So Winter Cap in Stock

Photo by Jacob Rader

These came out so good!

“The Tracko “Not so” Winter Cap was designed by Adria Klora and constructed by Pace Sportswear, both located here in Sunny Southern California. We used Pace’s four panel design with the mini visor. We also opted for the KoolFit® Elastic Sweatband, instead of the traditional Euro-style cotton taping to actually keep the sweat out of your eyes when riding.”

Scoop one at Tracko.

Alfred for the Winged Store


Alfred for the Winged Store

Alfred was one of the first bike messengers I saw in action in NYC that made me realize some people were born to ride a track bike. He’s fast and flows two steps ahead of traffic in any situation. Put him in the mix to race Monster Track and he’ll surprise you.

Check out Alfred’s cap at the Winged Store!