New York Bike Dreams: Zine Operation Tomodachi Edition


New York Bike Dreams: Zine Operation Tomodachi Edition


I caught this at Affinity’s blog earlier tonight:

“Japanese native Takuya Sakamoto or by many “Tak” has been photographing the New York City bicycle messenger and street culture for more than 10 years. Being a bicycle messenger himself, his images take you right into the culture and captures his subjects with a personal touch and an original eye.

New York BIke Dreams is Tak’s blog, which has been a resource for the bike messenger scene for many years. Tak has produced a simple zerox copied zine of his photography, which is produced in limited runs and perfectly suites the gritty and uncanny imagery he captures on a daily basis.

In an effort to aid the Japan earthquake and tsunami relief, Tak will be donating his zine to anyone who donates $10.00 to the American Red Cross. Just simply go to and click on dontate funds. Once you donate, forward the confirmation email to Tak at and Tak will send you a copy of his zine (US only!!).

Help make a difference, and get an original piece of NYC bike culture!”

Awesome! Tak, you’re right, it is really easy to make a difference. Follow Tak and Afffinity Cycles on Twitter. Also be sure to check out Affinity’s new Facebook Fan page!