Originally from Massachusetts, Matt W. Moore has brought his fine-tuned, self-proclaimed “Vectorfunk” style back to the state with a well rounded body of work. His signature style canvas work, a departure from the norm into watercolor and collage work, as well as a small series of prints are hanging in the gallery. In conjunction with the traditional works, Matt has come together with Open and Traitor Cycles to present a series of five hand-painted frames, a cycling cap and t-shirt. Please visit the project’s micro-site for a more in-depth look and to purchase select pieces of the Momentum project.
Visit Momentum Site.
Show hangs from August 15th, 2009 to September 15th, 2009.
“The bike project and other skate/snow/surf projects are ideal. I’m working with brands I have a lot of admiration for. I’m immersed in the culture; painting a bike is native to me – I ride every day. I want people to ride these bikes, not hang them up because they‘re scared to ride them. I do plenty of work that can be only hung up. Shred this bike for 10 summers, then hang it up and say it had a life.”
Matt W. Moore / Arist & Designer
“The time and effort to which Matt and Zack have put into this show speak volumes of their love for what they do. This is obvious to anyone who has stepped foot in Open or has been in the presence of Matt’s art. We hold the work done at Open Bicycle, Chorus Gallery and Matt in the highest regard and are thrilled to have been asked to be a part of this.”
Joe / Traitor Cycles
“Seeing a project go from conversation to completion is always great, especially when the outcome reaches a level far beyond what we all first imagined. We hope everyone enjoys it as much as we have.”
Zack & Joshua / Open & Chorus