Fyxomatosis: The Only Bike Porn I’ll Post


Fyxomatosis: The Only Bike Porn I’ll Post

If you’ve been reading this blog long enough, you’ll notice that I don’t really post a lot of “hot girls on bikes” here. It’s mostly because a lot of the bikes aren’t really my thing and I don’t want to alienate any female readers. I’m not trying to be preachy, but there’s a tastefulness that needs to go into shooting bicycles and when women are involved, I like that same tastefulness to apply. I’m not the only one who feels that way either!

Andy at Fyxomatosis just finds that delicate line and time after time, he delivers. You remember Daisy right? How could you forget her and the bike she modeled on? Knowing the popularity of Daisy and the rarity of Chargers in Oz, he put up a nice homage to the quirky mimicry that happens in the land down under. Check it out! Oh and if you like photos like this, you’ll be able to buy prints at Shifter Bikes soon enough!

Daisy Duke Rides Again
Daisy Duke