Last year’s Fixed Gear Freestyle’s Top 10 Web Edits of 2009 list was such a hit, I brought it back for another run. This year showed a huge leap in the progression of fixed freestyle. I counted over 1,000 videos here on Prolly is not Probably, with about 70% of those being fixed freestyle web edits. In order to judge these fairly, I based the ranking on comments and overall Vimeo or Youtube views. All I’m trying to say is don’t be butt-hurt if your video didn’t make it! Without further adieu, here’s Fixed Gear Freestyle’s Top 10 Web Edits of 2010!
#10 Slumworm: Wheel Talk Series. From their debut Wheel Talk edit to their second and third, the Slum Worm and WT crew made their mark on the fixed freestyle community. I wonder how much influence these videos had on them landing the P-Fixed deal with Specialized?
Check out the rest of my Fixed Gear Freestyle’s Top 10 Web Edits of 2010 below!
#09 Josh Boothby: 11 Before Almost 24 Hours. As I was looking through these edits one thing became apparent. The most hated on videos were not only the most controversial but they were also the most influential. Take Josh Boothby’s introduction edit. Flat 3’s!
#08 Keo Rock. One of the OG’s of the scene returns with some classic moves.
#07 Revoked: New York Movie. This 15-minute long clusterfuck of riding and shenanigans took place before and after the 2010 Bicycle Film Festival.
#06 Wrahw Welcomes Nasty. Even though this one didn’t reach the 10-comment minimum, it’s one of my personal favorites.
#05 Zlog Crew: Wham. I love the Seattle crew and the Wham! edit was right up there with the best.
#04 Wrahw Welcomes Tom LaMarche. The end banger clip was one of the best moments captured on tape this year. Holy shit!
#03 Chris Akrigg: The Maurice.0. Can you really argue with this edit making it to the top 10? Dude has total control, no matter what kind of bike he’s on! While he may not be a part of this “scene”, his style is unique and clean.
#02 Steven Jensen: New Rims Edit. If one thing’s for sure, people loved to hate on Steven Jensen’s edits! I have no idea why, his riding is where this whole thing seems to be levitating to and my best guess is that no one is willing to admit that. The bikes, wheels and ratios have gotten smaller and that means the tricks and tech will get closer to BMX. All of Steven’s edits from this year had a unique flavor and it’s easy to see why (don’t miss his Thrasher edit either)!
#01 Grime Bikes: 420. If any crew in the fixed freestyle community embodies the raw and rugged style of NYC BMX, it’s Grime. Wonka and Mike show us how to spend your 4.20.
Honorable Mentions:
Wolf Drawn: Trippin’
Elevated Engineering: Miles Mathia Edit
Skitch Clothing: Two Days in Toronto
WRAHW Welcomes Antonyo Wothe
There ya have it. What do you guys think of the list?