Cycling and coffee goes hand in hand. It’s our fuel, the energy we get from our morning brew helps us truck into our day jobs or keeps us pedaling all day. It only makes sense that the Bicycle Film Festival would team up with Coffee Collective and Pi Bjoerg for their commemorative mugs. Here’s the press-release:
The Bicycle Film Festival premieres for the first time in Copenhagen 17.-19.
September 2010. We love bikes and we love coffee. Thus we have teamed up
with one of the most innovative coffee houses, the international renowned
Coffee Collective around a very limited run of 30 coffee cups designed by one of
Copenhagen’s finest ceramic artists Pi Bjørg.
These will move fast. Get yours at The Coffee Collective, Jægersborgsgade 10,
2200 Copenhagen, Denmark.
I hope the NYC office is getting some in!