
2024 MADE Bike Show People and Products

To add to our already monumental amount of coverage of the 2024 MADE bike show, today we have a massive gallery of everything else at the show. A few new products and sneak peeks, some lovely portraits, and some more bikes that evaded even our herculean coverage of the event. There were just too many amazing bikes and equally amazing people! Check the whole gallery below…

Tour Du MADE

There were just so many amazing bikes all over the damn show. You would walk past a booth with five of the most amazing bikes you’ve ever seen, and then there would be another booth with five more. People kept asking me what the coolest things I had seen all weekend were. I had no answer; it was all amazing. I couldn’t personally pinpoint anything. Even this gallery feels wildly incomplete. I spent three whole days at the show and still didn’t make it to all the booths. I still wanted to highlight a few products, bikes, and people I ran into while making my rounds.

Madrone Cycles Prototype Derailleur

Madrone already makes various products to repair and extend the longevity of your existing SRAM derailleurs. I’ll be doing a review of their AXS rebuild kit in the near future. At MADE, Aaron had a prototype of his own derailleur on display that is looking rather close to being finished. With a goal of tight tolerances, the ability to repair, and being adaptable to multiple cable pull ratios, the new derailleur will be very flexible in its applications. The prototype looked amazing and we’re looking forward to seeing how it develops.


Ombraz had some new 3D printed samples of a new style of their infamous armless sunglasses. Their new sporty model (Refugio) sat nicely off my cheeks and seemed like it could be a great piece of cycling eyewear. On that same note, Ombraz also had some new 3d printed Nose Risers to help fit their glasses a bit further off the face and cheeks. Stoked to see some new options for fitment for their innovative glasses – I’ve personally found they fit too close to my cheeks, limiting the amount of cycling I can do in them comfortably. I’m excited to try out these new innovations soon!

Industry Nine

I9 had some amazing custom-anodized hubs to show off just for MADE. The fade on the golden brown hubset is stunning, but the Cherry Blossoms take the cake in my eyes. They also showed off a new road-length stem.


The WHOLE SimWorks crew was out in force for MADE. They led multiple rides over the weekend and had their booth packed to the gills with all of their bits and bobs. On top of their usual well-curated lot of parts and accessories, they teased a new tire collaboration with Tomii Cycles featuring a Saguaro sunset side knob pattern.

Prandus Grill Bike

I love hot dogs. I know they are terrible and where they come from, but I still love them. Hanging out with some glizzys spawned the best answer to my interview question all weekend – don’t miss that talk with their frame builder over on our YouTube.

Minné Monē

Cjell, per usual, had his offerings of brass, brass, and more brass. Okay, maybe a side of carbon for the light bars – fine. While his bread truck-made fixie took second place in people’s choice, I was stoked to see his kiddo bike, the Minne Monē. Available as a 12″ strider with a bb cover, or the frame can be converted to a 16″ pedal bike with 89 mm cranks. Dubbed the “brassiest kiddo bike” and available as blinged-out as you could ever want.

Donovan Rice’s Hifi Wheels

I got to reach across the one degree of Internet separation between me and Donovan. We quickly connected over skateboarding and mutual friends as biking was kind of a given. Donovan was hyped on his personally illustrated HIFI logo design featuring some of his favorite cats.

Puppies of MADE

Life is better with puppies, so why would the MADE bike show be any different? We all needed a social break during the weekend and nothing gives me a bit of pause like petting a sweet doggo. Thanks to everyone who let me pet their pups!

People’s Choice Winners

As I was walking around trying to squeeze in my last visit to booths I missed, I heard Billy yelling at me to come with him. He hastily caught me up that they were passing out the People’s Choice awards. Stellar Werks‘ rigid 26er took home 3rd, Mone’s Fixie took 2nd, and Schön’s Disco Swing Bike took home 1st place. Most excitingly, Bicycling Mag put up an upcoming magazine cover image as a prize for the winner. I can’t wait to the Disco Swing bike on newsstands in the next few months!

Hugging Your Friends, New and Old Alike

MADE was a time to reach out and hug your buds you hadn’t seen in forever. I saw friends from as far back as high school, met people I’d chatted with on the internet yet had not met before, and everything in between. The experience was as overwhelming as the bikes were beautiful, but in the end, a highlight was all the lovely folks.