Wolf Tooth Resolve rev2 Dropper Post Has Updated Internals and New Sizes


Wolf Tooth Resolve rev2 Dropper Post Has Updated Internals and New Sizes

The Wolf Tooth Resolve Dropper Post rev2 expands the first-of-its-kind specs of the original Resolve Dropper Post with updates including 34.9 diameter sizing, 242mm travel option, and new internal components.

Josh has been riding with the new Resolve rev2 on his Otso Hoot ti review bike, in addition to getting a sneak peek at the new post internals and assembly process on a recent trip to Wolf Tooth HQ. Read on below for all the details of the new Resolve rev2…

Wolf Tooth Resolve Dropper

When Wolf Tooth launched the original Resolve rev1 dropper post, there were multiple reasons to be excited about it: a self-bleeding cartridge, short insertion lengths and stack heights, and relatively low weight. For these reasons, plus being easily serviceable and covered by Wolf Tooth’s Right to Repair, it proved popular despite its relatively high price of $350.

I’ve used the Resolve rev1 on multiple bikes since its release nearly two years ago. They both see a lot of use and only require minimal maintenance to keep them functioning smoothly. I like to clean the stanchions every few weeks with Maxima Suspension Cleaner and then apply a little Slick Honey to the outer rubber seal. This helps keep them from becoming sticky, as the hot, dry, and dusty desert conditions where I live take a toll on performance if left dirty.

New Internals

The Resolve was and still is the only dropper post available with self-bleeding functionality. If air enters the post’s air chamber, removal does not require manual release, cartridge replacement, or internal rebuild. Instead, any air that makes its way into the fluid chamber is purged of air with each actuation cycle.

While I suspect the addition of new post sizes will garner the most attention with this rev2 product release, I think the updated internals are pretty newsworthy. As I mentioned, I never had a problem with the previous generation post. In fact, it’s been the only one I haven’t had to service after months or even years of use. But I’ll never complain about making something good even better, especially when a price increase does not accompany such improvements.

The left photo above shows the old poppet valve in red and the new spool valve in grey. Notice the added air porting, which helps the post bleed faster if air is trapped inside the fluid chamber. This new valve requires 25% less force from a dropper lever to open and actuate the post, whether the saddle is weighted or not. Even more good news is that this internal valving update is backward compatible with rev1 Resolve droppers.

Added Sizes

With the rev2, Wolf Tooth has added a new 34.9mm diameter to the Resolve lineup, which accompanies the existing 30.9 and 31.6mm sizes. The 34.9mm dropper post was designed from the ground up to be optimized for the larger diameter of the lower assembly. Rather than fitting smaller internals in a larger external housing, this new size features a unique cartridge, lower housing, and stanchion to improve the strength, performance, and durability of the 34.9mm post.

More Travel Options

Wolf Tooth now has the longest dropper on the market at 242 mm. Maybe there is competition brewing amongst brands, but Wolf Tooth seems to have squeaked by the competition by 2 mm. Stock travel options now include 125, 160, 200, and 242mm. The Resolve rev2 has adjustable travel just like its predecessor. Spacers can be added to the dropper post to reduce travel in 5mm increments. The only limit to the amount of travel reduction is the total travel available. When the short insertion depth and short stack height are paired with travel adjustability, a frame can fit a dropper post with longer travel.

Wolf Tooth Right To Repair

While you can’t turn your 200 mm post into a 242 mm, Wolf Tooth is making the updated internals available, which customers can purchase and install at home per the Wolf Tooth service guide.

Like all Wolf Tooth products, Resolve Dropper Post rev2 is covered by Wolf Tooth Right to Repair. According to Wolf Tooth:

“All components of the dropper post can be purchased individually. Wolf Tooth also provides service guides demonstrating how to repair or make changes to the dropper post at home. If a customer crashes and damages the stanchion, a new stanchion can be purchased (instead of an entire new dropper post) and the service guide shows the customer how to replace it. Even complete lower assemblies are available via Right to Repair. If a customer was riding a bike with a 30.9mm dropper post and gets a new bike that requires a 31.6mm dropper post, a new lower assembly can be purchased to convert the 30.9 to a 31.6mm. Right to Repair reduces the lifetime cost of ownership and limits waste by keeping dropper posts active for longer.”

Resolve rev2 droppers are priced at $349.95 USD. Rev1 droppers are currently on sale for $279.95, which is 20% off original pricing. Rev2 conversion kits cost $79.95.

See more at Wolf Tooth.