Vivid, a short film by Montanus, explores the memories created by the most meaningful experiences found on two wheels. For Montanus the most vivid memory was their first bikepacking trip together back in 2013. Riding bikes with 26” wheels and carrying big, heavy backpacks, Francesco D’Alessio and Giorgio Frattale set out to bikepack before bikepacking was a thing. It was in the spirit of adventure that they took themselves 1900 meters above sea level to sleep in a little hut, because…why not? Eight years later they find themselves aptly equipped with the right gear and the right bikes-the Kona Hei Hei CRs. Easy on the climbs and fun on the way down, we’re sure they’re going to continue to create the most vivid memories from their experiences in the wild.
Bee Wild Bee Free
The latest from Montanus is generating quite the buzz!
“Sometimes your bike leads you to discover new and wild places, other times it can give you more. We explored the process that brought us closer to Nature finding out how bikepacking and beekeeping played a significant role in our environmental consciousness. ‘Bee Wild Bee Free’ is the small contribution of Montanus to raising awareness about the importance of honey bees for mankind and for the planet’s ecosystems.”
Montanus: The Wolf’s Lair
Our friends from Montanus sent over this wonderful project that I hope stokes some weekend plans for you and your riding buddies!
‘The Wolf’s Lair’ is a 400 km bikepacking route that winds through medieval castles, alpine scenery and ancient Italian villages in the Apennines mountains. The Montanus duo traced that route in 2016, after they felt the need to explore deeper Abruzzo region to learn more about their culture and origins. Giorgio and Francesco are back on The Wolf’s Lair to film the experience and show the hidden beauty that fascinated them three years before.