

Chasing the Glory: Ryokou Chapter 3


Chasing the Glory: Ryokou Chapter 3

Here’s the third chapter of the Ryokou series.

Chasing the Glory media house in association with Projucer presents the official trailer and announces the digital release of our latest sports story: RYOKOU (Journey) – a five part web documentary published on this channel.

Ryokou follows the journey of Aussie Cyclist Shane Perkins from his home in Adelaide post London Olympics to taking residence in Japan whilst competing in the 2012/13 Keirin competition.

The sports documentary explores Japanese Keirin cycling as a pivotal part of Shane’s personal and professional growth, in context of some of the major events in his professional and personal career.”

Chasing the Glory: Ryokou Chapter 1 and 2


Chasing the Glory: Ryokou Chapter 1 and 2

I missed posting the first chapter of the Ryokou series, so here’s chapter 1 and 2.

Chasing the Glory media house in association with Projucer presents the official trailer and announces the digital release of our latest sports story: RYOKOU (Journey) – a five part web documentary published on this channel.

Ryokou follows the journey of Aussie Cyclist Shane Perkins from his home in Adelaide post London Olympics to taking residence in Japan whilst competing in the 2012/13 Keirin competition.

The sports documentary explores Japanese Keirin cycling as a pivotal part of Shane’s personal and professional growth, in context of some of the major events in his professional and personal career.”

Blue Lug: Fairweather Pack Saddle Bags


Blue Lug: Fairweather Pack Saddle Bags

When you want to carry just a little more than your jersey pockets will allow and the idea of having a backpack on just isn’t cutting it, pack bags are great alternatives. With more and more companies breaking into the market, Blue Lug Japan is supporting their local manufacturers, Fairweather.

I have to admit, these are the nicest looking pack saddle bags I’ve seen so far. I really like the easy-to-access top velcro pocket. I know Marty at Geekhouse has been loving his for weekend trips. See more photos at the Blue Lug Flickr and pick one up at Blue Lug.

Defgrip: Japan – A Travelogue


Defgrip: Japan – A Travelogue

This video is too good. What else would you expect from Defgrip:

“I recently had the opportunity to travel to Japan with Brian Yeagle, KC Badger, Joseph Frans, Broc Raiford, Chad Kerley, Alex Magallan, and Greg Illingworth. They went over there to do demos, but afterwards Brian, KC, Joseph, and I rented a car and took off on our own with the goal of seeing as much of Japan as we possibly could. It was much more of a recreational trip than a riding trip, and we had one hell of a good time. I put together this little video with bits of footage I shot while shooting for a Ride UK article and some footage Joseph shot with his GoPro. Nothing beats exploring interesting and unfamiliar places with your friends.

– Walter Pieringer”

Mission Workshop: 2 Week Japan Pop-Up


Mission Workshop: 2 Week Japan Pop-Up

Mission Workshop is opening a pop-up shop in Japan for two weeks, starting this Friday. Here are the juicy details:
[Launch Party]
Friday, 17:00 to 20:00 November 23, 2012
[Mission Workshop POP-UP STORE]
Open for a limited time: Friday 23 November 2012 – December 2, 2012
Open hours 11:00 to 20:00 (Closed Wednesdays)
vic2 Bikkutsu
1-8-8-1F-cho, Musashino-shi, Tokyo Kichijojiminami
Tel :0422-24-6426

Rapha: Tohoku


Rapha: Tohoku

Here’s a new one from the Rapha Continental:

“In the spring of 2011, Rapha Japan set up a charity ride and asked for your help. We all rode for Tohoku. Everybody in Japan would like to take this opportunity to thank those who contributed. A little over a year later, general tourism is still out of the question in this area but for cyclists, there is no shortage of great roads to ride here.”

See more at Rapha.

Shiokaze 2012


Shiokaze 2012

Shiokaze is the longest-running fixed freestyle competition in the world and it’s really rad to see Japan holding on to that tradition. This year, Chacon went out and took 1st place.

Two FGFS Videos I Enjoyed Tonight


Two FGFS Videos I Enjoyed Tonight

Both completely different but they kept me watching. Ramon Antonio puts in work in the LBC (land that footplant bar dude!) and Shinya throws down some speedy flatland action in Meriken Park.