We love bags. Often times we lose track of our bags when they’ve gotten stuffed into other bags, then tossed in another bag, and crammed into a closet. As such our bag radar is always on and when we see a design we like, we share it here. The latest is from Father Bag Co and its called the Parachute Packable Bag ($67)…
Southern Wonders and Farther Bag Co: Farther South Humidity Camo Bar Bags
Southern Wonders and Farther Bag Co collaborated on a rain camo Humidity Camp handlebar bag that’s dropping today at 12 noon EST. This collaboration is called Farther South. All of these bags are made by hand in Memphis by Farther South in tan or olive with hunter orange on the inside and have a plastic liner to help maintain the round “burrito bag” shape. Get your browsers ready for them to be in stock at 12 noon EST today at Southern Wonders.