

In Case You Missed It: Dynaplug’s New Handlebar Mount Prototype


In Case You Missed It: Dynaplug’s New Handlebar Mount Prototype

Dynaplug has saved my ass on more than one occasion, especially on our sharp, rocky trails here in Los Angeles and literally a half mile in on our shuttle in Downieville last weekend. Unfortunately, the Dynaplugs are only efficient when you can access them quickly and mine are usually at the bottom of my camera bag, which forces me to plug the hole with my finger while I dig through my bag with one hand. Luckily, Dynaplug has been working on a solution to that problem with a new handlebar mount clamp that will hold their tire repair capsules. The nicest part about this system is it’ll save you precious seconds when it comes to rescuing your ride.

Once they release these, I’ll post again. If you haven’t checked out Dynaplug, do so at their site, or holler at your local shop to get them signed up as a dealer! Dynaplug is made in Chico by a group of rad people!