

More 44RN 144#47 Chainrings Coming Soon


More 44RN 144#47 Chainrings Coming Soon

I put this up on my Tumblr, meaning to schedule it for a week from now, only to have it go live today, sending a slew of emails my way. It is true, 44RN is machining a new batch of 144#47 chainrings this week. That means another week or so for anodizing. As it stands, there will be 50 silver and 50 black rings in my web shop around Halloween.

This is only to alert you that you should set money aside for one. As far as I know, they’ll be $77, the same as before. Aaron is a very talented designer and he is doing this out of the goodness of his heart. He’s not making much money here, and it’s only after constant pestering that I convinced him to do this.

Everyone who’s had these rings (myself included) has nothing but positive things to say about them. So get stoked!

44RN 144#47 on Chas’ Cinelli MASH


44RN 144#47 on Chas’ Cinelli MASH

Look, I’m not going to sit here and say that the 44RN is the best track chainring ever but I will say that they look damn nice. Someone should convince Aaron to make more of these 144bcd 47t rings. I love mine and Chas has been riding his since he won it at Stupor Bowl. It looks damn fine on his Cinelli Mash low pro.

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