

DOOM Bars Mini 31.8 Accessory Shims


DOOM Bars Mini 31.8 Accessory Shims

Our buddy Keaton down in Albuquerque at DOOM Bars announced these nifty Mini Accessory Shims for all 22.2mm diameter hadlebars. So now if you want to run a rigid clamp for a light, or a computer, or things like aero bars, you can! These will work with all 31.8mm accessory clamp items, at 2cm wide at the clamp area, with a nice 5mm bevel on either side, feature DOOM laser etching, and retail for $30. Check out more at DOOM Bars.

22.2 Ain’t Dead! A Look at the Paul Component Engineering 22.2 Boxcar 6-Bolt Face Stem


22.2 Ain’t Dead! A Look at the Paul Component Engineering 22.2 Boxcar 6-Bolt Face Stem

⌀22.2mm or 7/8″ bars were all they had back during the genesis of the almighty MOUNTAINBIKE. Riders would take the entire cockpit off their dirtbikes and flat track racers: Magura L363.20 bars, Magura brake/clutch levers, and even Magura grips, mounting them to SR or Cinelli quill stems. A lot has changed since the late 1970s but one thing remains: people love these small-diameter clamp bars for their mountain cruisers, klunkers, hardtails, and rigid MTBs. You know, the bikes that get ridden super hard!

Paul Component Engineering offers their normal Boxcar stem in a ⌀22.2mm clamp, but today they announced a 6-bolt faceplate Boxcar Limited stem ($147.50 – $166.50).

John got his hands on one before the drop and has some photos and thoughts below…