Some Security Notes on the Rad Bazaar


Some Security Notes on the Rad Bazaar

Unfortunately, scammers have infiltrated our beloved Rad Bazaar and while we work with our web developers on a permanent solution to this issue, we’d like everyone to take note on how to avoid these vermin. If you’re a seller or buyer, please follow these guidelines:


  • Shoot a least one photo of the item you are selling with your name and date written on a sheet of paper.
  • Please add your social media handles and/or Facebook to your profile (if you use social media) so buyers can see that you’re legitimate.


  • If you do not see a photo like the one above in the listing request one before buying.
  • Only use Paypal or Venmo for goods and services with buyer protection.
  • Never send cash or checks.
  • Check out the sellers’ profiles before engaging.


Thanks for your patience! We’re working on tighter security measures. In the meanwhile, if you see a listing that looks suspicious, flag the listing by clicking the “…” on the upper right corner.