Product Review: Milltag & Prolly is not Probably Viking Jersey


Product Review: Milltag & Prolly is not Probably Viking Jersey


When I got back from my holiday vacation, I came home to a package from Ed at Milltag. Inside were two Prolly is not Probably jerseys. This was the first time I had seen it in person and I was stoked to get it on and try it out during my morning ride. What struck me first was how bright the colors were and the quality of the print job. These are top-dollar jerseys!

Check out more photos below.


I wanna know what everyone that I passed on my morning ride thought when they saw this!


We joked about the striped being World Wide Web Champ Stripes and I love the use of the dot-matrix on the sides.


There’s a zippered jersey pocket for your keys, so you don’t have to worry about them falling out.


I always told myself if I ever do a jersey, I had to have a Necronomicog reference in it somewhere. Consider it an homage to H.P. Lovecraft, one of my favorite authors of all time! Ed likes to put little hidden designs in his jerseys and I knew this would be perfect!

Overall, I’m stoked to have a jersey. They’re still for sale at the Milltag site and I want to apologize for yesterday’s post. These are not on sale! The price can be a bit steep after the GBP conversion but I’m considering buying another for my collection!

Thanks to Ed at Milltag and everyone who ordered one!