Please, Vote Today


Please, Vote Today

Voting is a right and we would like to encourage you to exercise it today. If you have voted, thank you. If you haven’t, please do so today. If you aren’t registered, read on for a list of the 21 states, plus Washington, DC, that allow for same-day registration and voting.

  1. California
  2. Colorado
  3. Connecticut
  4. Hawaii
  5. Idaho
  6. Illinois
  7. Iowa
  8. Maine
  9. Maryland
  10. Michigan
  11. Minnesota
  12. Montana
  13. Nevada
  14. New Hampshire
  15. Rhode Island
  16. Utah
  17. Vermont
  18. Virginia
  19. Washington
  20. Wisconsin
  21. Wyoming

Check with your state’s same-day registration laws at Rock the Vote.