Open is opening officially on April 11th in Boston. This is a big move for Zach and Josh and Regardless of the negative connotations with ‘track boutiques’ in major metropolitan areas, Open Bicycle is striving to fill a niche market.
How do you shake such connotations? You open a shop that focuses on the bicycle as a form of transportation and a work of art. Make a spot where people will want to hang out and learn about bikes, not just a shop where you feel unwelcome. It’s really important for a local bike scene to have a shop where you’re welcome to ask questions, work on your bike and soak in some of the knowledge.
Here in Brooklyn, Affinity has filled that niche and in Boston, Open is attempting to fill the same demand.
Open is also supporting the local art scene in Boston by forming the Chorus Gallery and Superbe Design. They’ll have different galley events and art openings throughout the year.
This isn’t a track bike boutique. Open also carries a line of internal 2 and 3 speed townies bikes a la townie bars, fenders and coaster brakes. Need a different kind of ride in your life? Talk to the guys there and they’ll help you out.
Keep Watch next week for future updates as events warrant. OPENing is April 11th!
I’m stoked for the guys. Build-out looks great.