We love bags. Often times we lose track of our bags when they’ve gotten stuffed into other bags, then tossed in another bag, and crammed into a closet. As such our bag radar is always on and when we see a design we like, we share it here. The latest is from Father Bag Co and its called the Parachute Packable Bag ($67)…
These ultralight pouches are 9.5” x 7” x 3.5” when open and pack down to a teeny, tiny, and easily lost in the abyss of another bag, 4” x 2”. The name comes from the fact that they are like a parachute; there when ya need it, packable when you don’t. They’re ultra-packable and ultra-light, with an adjustable shoulder strap attached with Niteize carabiners.
Available in three patterns from Farther Bag Co.