Bikepacking Roots 2024 Community Survey is Happening and You Can Win!


Bikepacking Roots 2024 Community Survey is Happening and You Can Win!

Bikepacking Roots has launched the 5th edition of their Bikepacking Community Survey, which is open for responses from now until September 29th…

The non-profit is looking for diverse input to inform how they foster the growth of a supportive and inclusive bikepacking community. This includes everyone from avid to aspiring bikepackers! They’re interested in who they are, what challenges they face, and how Bikepacking Roots can best support them. As a national non-profit supporting the bikepacking community, the survey results will inform Bikepacking Roots’ route development, community building, education and advocacy initiatives in the years to come.

The survey is available here and should take about 10 minutes to complete.

As a thank you for their time, respondents will be entered to win a pair of Ombraz sunglasses or a pair of Bikepacking Roots’ branded Titan Straps.

Bikepacking Roots is a national non-profit organization dedicated to supporting and advancing bikepacking, growing a diverse bikepacking community, advocating for the conservation of the landscapes and public lands through which we ride, and creating professional routes. The organization and its members value human-powered experiences and an inclusive, engaged, and informed membership that makes a positive impact as we adventure by bike.