Yesterday I was invited by the Travel Channel to gain access behind the scenes at their new show on bike messengers in NYC. On any given day, there are 40 cameras out in the city, following messengers and recording their dispatchers. A select few companies were chosen and yesterday, I spent the rainy day indoors at Quik Trak. It was an interesting look at the inner workings of a middle-sized messenger company. Armed with my 35mm camera, I headed into the office.
Check out more photos below!
I think it’s safe to say that NYC’s bike messenger population dwarfs all other cities. Quik-Trak is a smaller company, with about a dozen dispatchers working a fast-pace job coordinating over two dozen walkers and bikers.
Like most jobs, there are rules to keep you safe.
Many of the dispatchers covered in the show are rich in personality. Even with the cameras in their faces, they managed to keep the ball rolling.
The most interesting part of this experience was seeing how the people were treated by the cameramen. While there’s no coaching, there were times when they were told to repeat something more clearly. There’s no acting here. These are real NY’rs.
Behind the glass, in the flesh.
Out on the streets, nothing stops the crew. Rain, sleet, snow or hail, the messenger works year round.
Each messenger on the show is being trailed by a camera man withHD helmet cams. One pointing forward and one pointing to the rear.
Who is one of the camera men? None other than Austin Horse.
By using Austin as a creative director, the show gets an authentic look into the life of these messengers.
So far, the show is moving along quickly without a hitch. There’s tons of drama to be expected and like all reality shows, this show is sure to give everyone an in-depth look at the real messengers of NYC.
I want to thank the Travel Channel for giving me this opportunity. No other journalists have been allowed on the show and being the first is a huge honor. Check out more photos on my Flickr!