Happy New Year


Happy New Year


This morning, I pulled myself out of bed mid-day and headed out on a road ride with Jonathan. I haven’t been on the road bike in at least two weeks and man, it felt like it. The Texas Hill Country headwinds are no joke this time of year but we made the best of it and that’s what riding is all about. Get out on your bike(s) this year and have fun. I’ll keep doing what I’m doing on this end and let’s roll into 2012 with some momentum.

I want to thank everyone for making this year the best ever for the site. From the advertisers, to the readers, shops, builders, brands and riders, I couldn’t have done it without you. I strongly encourage everyone to keep a positive tone and contribute discourse in the comments. I’ve enjoyed getting to know some of you and I’d like to extend that network even more.

Coming up, I’ve got a new site coming, new features and I’ll be spending all of February Down Under in Sydney and Melbourne, so expect more radness!

Ride / Relax.