Got a cracked or damaged helmet? are here to help those in need!
“The Foundation is looking for cracked, broken, or scratched athletic helmets that were used while riding a bicycle and saved your skull! The selected helmets will be included in an upcoming traveling helmet show titled the “CoolassHelmet Art Show”. The show it titled after an upcoming signature helmet coming soon from Bern Helmets, the “CoolassHelmet”. In addition to having 25-40 helmets painted by various artist and celebrities to influence the image people have of helmets; our goal is to get people to consider helmets in a new and different light. The idea of customizing and or purchasing a nicely designed helmet may enter their minds and subsequently save their skull one day from injury and or death! Through education, awareness, and art, we intend to get more helmets on peoples skulls!”
Check out more below!
To send our point home, we are looking for helmets that put in there time and saved skulls! Please send an email with a picture of your helmet and brief story if the incident to
Once the helmets are selected we will ask to have them shipped to:
Cynergy Cycles
2300 Santa Monica Boulevard
Santa Monica, CA 90404-2008