Patrick from the Bikes or Death Podcast and His Chumba Stella Ti Drop Bar 29er


Patrick from the Bikes or Death Podcast and His Chumba Stella Ti Drop Bar 29er

A little while back, Patrick from Bikes or Death reached out, saying he was going to be in Santa Fe and was hoping we could sit down for a podcast interview. Naturally, I obliged, and last night we hung out at our office here in Santa Fe and talked about bikes, photography, other randomness related to this website. I won’t give too much away but I was really stoked on how it went. Doing interviews is a great way to bond with a person and afterward, I just had to shoot Patrick’s Chumba Cycles Stella Ti. While the podcast episode won’t be out for a few weeks, I wanted to feature this rad build while it was all still fresh on my mind, so enjoy!


Ski Boys

This one’s filled with tons of randomness, yet there are some real gems to be had!

Some 2015 Sea Otter Classic Randoms


Some 2015 Sea Otter Classic Randoms

As a first time attendee at Sea Otter Classic, I had no idea what to expect. Everyone I spoke to assured me that it would be hell on Earth, with wind, sun, locusts and boils (read: hangovers). Rather than some apocalyptic wasteland, I found it to be quite accessible, friendly and casual. Especially when compared to the chaos of Interbike, Eurobike and even NAHBS. All of which I rarely have time to talk to people while there…

No one enjoys trade shows. Not the people in the booths, not the people photographing the booths, yet most of the people I chatted with were surprisingly relaxed and dare I say, stoked to be there. Most of the major brands had already launched their big products and a lot of the smaller brands were more interested in building relationships with media outlets by sharing a beer or loaning sunblock, rather than getting some shitty booth photo taken.

Sea Otter landed itself right after Eroica and a little bikepacking trip I took with Blackburn, so maybe that’s why it was so relaxing for me. I had no obligations, aspirations, hopes or dreams and yet, I got to talk to people and shoot photos when I saw the opportunity arise. Obviously, a lot of those bikes will have their own galleries (many already have), so expect nothing but randomness in this photoset. Yeah, it’s a little skimpy, but I’d rather share these photos than delete them.

Next year, if I attend again, I will however bring a better hat, more sunblock and a damn MTB…

We Made it To Vegas


We Made it To Vegas

… and it was a wild ride. Hopefully, you’ve been following along on the #RadGoldenDream hashtag. Let me settle in a bit with WiFi and I’ll get back to posting.

Yonder Journal Corndoggin’ Shirts


Yonder Journal Corndoggin’ Shirts

What is Corndogging? Well, aside from looking at the hashtag on Instagram to reveal some weird photos, it’s the act of wasting (valuable) resources such as daylight, money, etc., in the pursuit of ​ incongruous or​ curious and/or seemingly pointless endeavors.

Synonyms: Fucking Around, Killing Time, Dicking Around, Chilling, Fucking Off, Dilly Dallying, Fartin Around.

​This t-shirt ​​​features Bojangle, the Patron Saint of Corn Dogging and is in stock now at Yonder Journal. The dudes also have stock of other randomness, so head over and check it out.

2014 Amgen Tour of California: Stage 07 – Pasadena


2014 Amgen Tour of California: Stage 07 – Pasadena

Stage 07 was my unofficial “rest day”. After eight days on the road, I was ready for a chill afternoon, lounging by the pool, with a bourbon in one hand and my ‘gram in the other.

Like all time spent on the road, nothing ever goes as planned. I shot the start of the race because, why the hell not? Then I bumped into some friends and watched the start. Before I knew it, the time was 1pm and I had still yet to find a pool…

Then, we got an urgent call, summoning us to the team hotel, an hour away, to interview a very important person… More on that later, but for now, enjoy some good old fashioned race randomness and race refuse observations.

Sights, Shops and Signs


Sights, Shops and Signs

It’s that time of month again. I’ve got all kinds of Randomness left over from a Recent Roll. Actually, a few Recent Rolls. There’s some LA, Pasadena, Austin, Moab and Fruita photos in here, all noted in the photo’s captions. Got a favorite? Point it out. Open up some commentary…

Tools of the trade:
Mamiya 7ii / 80mm
Portra 400 / Ilford HP5

PiNP 2013: A Year in Photos


PiNP 2013: A Year in Photos

Where do I even begin with 2013? If I can say anything about PiNP, it’s that the site is ever-evolving, much like cycling and my own experiences with it. As my own habits change, so does the content. Looking back over the past twelve months, I still can’t wrap my head around how much I traveled. It was overwhelming at times, but in the end, worth it.

So where do we begin? How about with the first Photoset: a new camera.

Check out the PiNP 2013: A Year in Photos below!

Superdomestik: Guns of Brixton Kits in Stock!


Superdomestik: Guns of Brixton Kits in Stock!

Kjeld is one of my friends in Los Angeles and as a native of the UK, he grew up listening to the Clash. Now he’s living in LA, way into bikes, is fast, fit and stoked on the community there. He just got some rad kits made by Endo under his label, Superdomestik, as an homage to “Guns of Brixton”.

In case you grew up under a rock and never heard of the Clash, this song had heavy reggae overtones, hence this kit. Scoop one up at Superdomestik!

LA’s Been Real Fun…


LA’s Been Real Fun…

… But Vegas is callin’. See you at Interbike. First, we’re heading to the “nothing” to camp tonight. See you at the show, I’m bringing the usual hydration.

Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 01


Eurobike 2013 Über Gallery 01

Guten tag! I have found the internet…

It’s Eurobike and I have no idea what to do here. Well, that’s not true, I have a few clever posts up my sleeve. After 12 hours of madness, I’ve made my way through most of the show, ran into some people, saw some cool shit, exhausted my shutter finger and the first flask filling #FFF. I managed to get some great shots, including the new White Industries anodized hubs, the return of turquoise Chris King, some rad Tune products, a sexy LOOK, Bear Grease, #Partybrand, body-painting, AWOL, beer, beer and beer.

While I’m working on more content, how about some randomness from the first day? I thought so…

I Made it to Eurobike


I Made it to Eurobike

After a long day of traveling and two whole hours of sleep, I’m alive and well at Eurobike. This show has eluded me for four years now. Year after year, plans have fallen through last minute but this year, I’m here thanks to Mission Workshop (thanks guys!).

Expect lots of randomness, rad bikes, beer, brats, bros, babes and bourbon. Since the WiFi sucks here at the show, I’ll most likely be updating the site only a few times a day… If you’re at the show, track me down and I’ll shoot your portrait.

Follow me on Instagram as well!

Recent Roll: Chas and His Cinelli Mash


Recent Roll: Chas and His Cinelli Mash

My friends in San Francisco are the best. They’re all hustlers in their own perspective professions and regardless what people say about the “Cali” lifestyle, they’re always on the grind. When he’s not running traveling the world racing, he’s running his company, TCB Courier with a handful of other like-minded individuals. Call him many things: “freshly shaven”, entrepreneur, #fixiefamous, whatever, this dude is living the dream.

I stayed with Chas for over a week the last time I was visiting and out of everything I shot on my trip, these three photos of him riding that green Cinelli Mash prototype track frame are some of my favorites. All shot from a moving bicycle…

Tools of the trade:
Mamiya 7ii / 80mm
Kodak Portra 400

See two more below!