

Australia Fire Relief: Jambi Jambi is Selling Shirts with 100% of the Proceeds going to Rural Fire Service


Australia Fire Relief: Jambi Jambi is Selling Shirts with 100% of the Proceeds going to Rural Fire Service

These days it’s hard to figure out where to send money and to whom when it comes to disaster relief. Australia is burning. Bad. The fires are in Jorja’s – aka Jambi Jambi – backyard and right now, she’s donating 100% of the proceeds from these Kook shirt sales to support the Rural Fire Service. If you’d like to read more, head to her Instagram and if you’d like to help out, check out the Kook Webshop.

Australian Kook Inc. Adventures: GRONK 690 – Jorja Creighton


Australian Kook Inc. Adventures: GRONK 690 – Jorja Creighton

Australian Kook Inc. Adventures: GRONK 690
Words and photos by Jorja Creighton

gronk – Urban Dictionary

Australian Slang, (noun) A person that is totally lacking in fashion sense, motor skills and/or social skills. Usually a total moron, an extremely unpleasant person or an unwanted guest. 

Sometimes: A likable idiot or Bogan (especially in Queensland)

1. No wonder he can’t get a girlfriend, he is such a gronk

2. Why would you “steal my car for the weekend,” you gronk!

The Jagungal Wilderness is my favorite place to take guests in Australia. Come to Australia for sun and sand? Too bad…I will give you a historically inaccurate tour of the Australian Snowy Mountains in late springtime. Where it may or may not snow, hail or cook you.